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MESSAGE 8691, -- SPOKEN Dec. 14, 2013

I speak unto thee this day, and I say that it is me the Living God that you are meant to keep your confidence in. That is, you are not meant to accept the waves of fear, the waves of doubt and unbelief, that are sweeping over the land. But I say you are meant to keep clearly confident in me as the one true God who is caring for thee. I say you are meant to rejoice at the strength, the power, the truth, the glory that I give to my own.

Now I say this day if you really consider that it is me the Living God who has loved thee, that it is me the Living God who has brought thee forth, that it is me the Living God who has given thee mercy, why should you be living in doubt about me? I say when the waves of doubt would hit thee, I say do not accept the same, but I say reject and refute those lies. I say you are not meant to be wallowing in the arms of deceit, that is about me and then somehow rise up in accusation against me. I say there are many who have grown to be accusers, and abusers and I say they lose out with me. I say that it is because they never fought back, when the enemy sent the waves of unbelief, sweeping over their souls.

But I say instead they went with the wave, they went with the lie, and now I say they are the ones who are damned. I say this day that I the Living God do call thee to rebuke, refute, and refuse to accept the unfruitful works of darkness. I say that I call thee to continually live in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION before me. I say when a man will truly be sorry for sin, and truly seek to change and amend his ways, I say that he is of a repentant heart. I say that he likewise will pray for others, instead of simply despising them.

I say when a man will allow repentance to be his ruler, then I say that he will choose to walk uprightly in me. But I say when a man will allow his mind to drift, and be overwhelmed by the waves of unbelief, that are sweeping throughout the land, what does he do? I say that he allows himself to be aligned with that which is deception, rather than that which is truth.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to the course of deception, but I say that I call thee to the way of my truth. That is, I call thee to be uplifted, brought forth, guided, and directed in the blessedness of truth that I provide. I say that I call thee to be thankful that each and every day, you are uplifted, directed, and guided in my way. I say that I call thee to be thankful that you can indeed be given the blessedness of truth, that I the Living God delight to give thee each and every day.

I say that it is me the Living God who is the way of all truth intended, for those who continue upright in me. But I say when the ones who are meant to be mine will not keep their purpose upon me, then I say they will drift away. Now I say this day when you look upon the decline of faith, trust, and confidence in me, why is it so? I say that is because men would rather give themselves to the evil, than to the way that is pure, spotless, and undefiled, that is found in me. I say that men would rather lend their ears to the lies of the liar, than be adhering to the truth. I say they are the ones who bring their own sorrows, their own troubles, and their sore dismay.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to live in trouble, to live in sore dismay, to live in the confusion, that comes to those who lend themselves to lies. I say when men are giving themselves over to the lies of the liar, they are giving themselves over to the way that will prove to be destruction. I say they are allowing themselves to be led away, led astray, and led far from the truth, that is found in me.

But I say that I the Living God never called thee to such trickery, such deceit, and such damnation. But I say that I have called thee to the truth, the light, the mercy that I provide, that you can indeed be uplifted, directed, and corrected by me.

Now I say therefore this day be eager to receive the truth that I the Living God do offer, that I give unto my own. I say be thankful that through me, you are given the blessedness, you are given the mercy, you are given the hope, and the peace day by day. I say when you really consider the abundance of goodness that I the Living God do give thee, I say you will not pursue the way of lies.

But I say instead, you will be thankful that you can indeed be uplifted, directed, and corrected in the truth, as you keep in repentance before me. I say that repentance will keep a man sober, repentance will keep a man alert to the deception of his own carnality. I say that repentance will keep a man from falling prey to the waves of unbelief.

I say when a man will continue to repent before me, then I say that he is not easily swept away. But I say when a man will give himself over to the deceit of unbelief, then I say that he is indeed taken far from me. I say that he will rise up in accusation against me, I say that he will be abusive towards me, and my servants, and why is it so? I say that it is because he himself has refused to fight the good fight of faith. I say that he has refused to enter into REPENTANCE REVOLUTION and there remain in the way that is indeed his safety, and the way that he is protected from the lies of the liar. Now I say this day that I the Living God never called thee to be overwhelmed, to be overtaken, to be devoured in lies. But I say that I have called thee to know, what it is to be ever kept through me, the one true God who is able.

I say that it is a good thing, a blessed thing, to be ever kept in the truth, the light, the strength that I give day by day. It is a good thing, to be knowing that in me, you are directed, corrected, and shown the light upon the path. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to live in the weariness, the dreariness of unbelief, then fall down and begin to accuse and abuse me. That is, fall down from the place of communion with me, to the place of communion with demons.

I say when you give way to such a tirade you are giving way to the words of death. I say you are giving way to the way that will devour and destroy your soul. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be devoured, I do not call thee to be destroyed, but I call thee to come forth in me. I say that I call thee to be made glad, ever thankful that you are given the privilege to live, to abide, to come forth in the truth, the light, the mercy, each and every day.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not intend, that you would be living in a place that is disagreeable unto me. That is, a place of devastation and despair, because you refuse to enter into REPENTANCE REVOLUTION and there remain. Now I say this day if you are hit with accusation against me, if you are hit with unbelief, and doubt and fear of carnal men, why is it so? I say that it is because you are not keeping up the shield of faith, to protect you from the same.

I say that I the Living God have given unto my people, all that they have need of to be ever shielded in me. I say that I have given unto my people the way wherein they are kept in truth, directed in light, and proven to be in my well keeping, as they continue in repentance before me. I say when a man will be in repentance, he is of an humble mind, and he can indeed receive his instruction of me. But I say when a man will grow proud and haughty, I say that he will only accuse and abuse me, as though he knew some great thing.

Now I say stop and consider that I the Living God do not ask my people to understand all things. But I ask my people to have their faith, their trust, their hope in me, that indeed they are kept in my way. I say that it is me the Living God who does delight to keep the ones, who continue in the way of truth and light, hope and peace, and mercy day by day. I say when the ones who are my people continue believing, hoping, and trusting in me, so are they kept each and every day.

I say that it is a joy, a pleasure unto me, to keep the ones who claim they are mine, in the attitude of gratitude. That is, when they will be thankful because they are humble and repentant before me, then they are always guided in my way. But I say when men will grow proud, abusive, and accusatory towards me, why is it so? I say that it is because they are trusting in their own greatness, and they are deluded by the same. I say they are believing the lies of the liar, and allowing the waves of unbelief to sweep over their souls, until they will be washed into the sea of iniquity. There they will remain as captives of the same, because they departed from me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do offer unto any man who will repent, the way of life. I say when a man will put his effort into believing and trusting in me, rather than listening to the lies of the liar, then such a man is pleasing me. But I say when a man will put his confidence in the lies of the liar, and be overwhelmed and swept away by the same, then he proves that he is indeed a fool. I say that he is choosing the way of lies, rather than the way of truth. Now I say this day let it be me the Living God, who will uplift, direct, correct, and guide thee forth each and every day. I say let it be me that you can continue to look to, to believe, to trust, and follow after. For I say when it is me the Living God that you keep your focus ever upon, you are ever guided in truth. When it is me the Living God that you keep your focus upon, you are ever directed, corrected, and brought forth in the truth, the light, the strength, the mercy of who I am.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be as the fools, who allow themselves to be swept away, then want to complain against me. But I say that I call thee to refute any spirit that would accuse me, and make you have doubt in your heart towards me. I say you are not meant to be as those who give themselves over to the cynicism of doubt, then want to blame me for the same. I say such ones are choosing to be losing, by which master they lend their ear unto.

Now I say this day if you will be repentant before me, if you will be changing your ways, if you will be choosing the way of truth, rather than the way of lies, then you are kept even in the darkest of time. But I say if you are as the foolish, who give themselves over to the false accusations of the liar, then what will you find? I say you will find that you are amongst those who howl unto the wind, who wander in desolated places, who are empty of soul. I say that it is because they allowed themselves to be swept away, in the waves of iniquity and darkness of unbelief, that are sweeping the land. I say they gave themselves to listen to the accuser, the abuser, rather than me.

Now I say this day that each day that you make your choices, who it is that you will believe. I say if it is me the Living God that you want to keep serving, then I say you will fight to keep your faith in me. I say you will have no problem with repentance, but you will eager to do the same. That is, to bow down, repent before me and stay in an humble mind, that you can indeed receive of me. I say that it is me the Living God you are meant to be serving, you are meant to be pleasing, and following after.

Therefore I say this day be thankful for the privilege to be in communion, in union with me, thy maker, thy keeper, thy God. I say be thankful that you are indeed guided in that which I give thee, every single day. I say that it is me the Living God who does give to thee the truth, and the light upon the path, that you can indeed be kept each and every day. I say when you are repentant, then you do not grow high minded and foolish, you do not grow accusatory and abusive towards me, but I say that you will be respecting me. But I say when you turn from repentance which is your life line unto me, you are turning unto the lies of the liar. I say that pride will intoxicate thee, to the degree that you will grow to have no need of me. I say you will grow so abusive towards me, towards my people, that you will strut and boast of your own glory, which is nothing at all. I say you will be taken in the fool’s way that is the way of those who are damned, in their own conceit.

I say this day do not be as the proud, the haughty, who refuse repentance, then think they are some great thing. For I say they have grown blinded, and deceived, and they love it so. I say this day be thankful for the humility mind, that is found in repentance before me, day by day. That is, the mind that will keep thee in soberness, ever able to be guided by me. I say be thankful to repent.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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