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MESSAGE 8689, -- SPOKEN Dec. 13, 2013

I speak unto thee this day, and I say when you see men who are refusing to repent, what do you see? I say you see nothing but fools. I say that it is me the Living God who does offer to the sons of men, the way of mercy, the way of truth, and the way of life. I say when men will be refusing of what it is that I offer unto them, where do they end? I say they end in a heap, they end in despair, and destitution of soul.

Now I say this day that I the Living God never called thee to end in despair, to end in destitution, but I say that I have called thee to come forth in me. That is, I have called thee to come forth rejoicing for the privilege to be uplifted, directed, and guided in my way. I say of a surety when it is me the Living God that you look to, in faith, in trust, in repentance day by day, it is me the Living God who guides thee forth.

But I say when any will harden the heart, stiffen the neck, and resist me, know they are fools. Now I say you are living in a time when men are full of foolery, they are full of vanity, and they are full of the way of their own damnation. I say all the while because of pride, they esteem they know some great thing. But I say what can a man know aside from me, except the way of his own destruction, his own damnation, his own despair? I say when men are living in opposition to me, they are living in lies.

Now I say this day that I the Living God never called thee to live in lies, but I say that I have called thee to come forth in the truth. I say that I have called thee to come forth in the truth, the light, the mercies day by day, by repenting unto me. That is, by keeping it clean between yourselves and myself, that everything can go as I the Living God would ordain.

But I say when men will allow sin to accumulate, when they will allow the bad attitudes that come from their own carnality, to prevail, then I say they are not in repentance before me. I say this day that I the Living God am in this time, calling for REPENTANCE REVOLUTION because I say that it is indeed the desperate, the desperate need of this day. That is, that men need to repent, to keep on repenting in order to maintain right standing in me. But I say because men have grown so proud, and high minded, I say they resist and refuse repentance, as though it were some ugly thing. But I say the truth of it is, that the ugly thing is simply them, in all of their separation from me. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be separated from me, but I call thee to come forth upright in me. That is, I call thee to be thankful that you are given the truth, the light, the strength, the hope, and the peace day by day.  

Now I say this day, when you look upon what it is that I the Living God do intend for thee, I say that it is the way of mercy. I say if any man or woman will take the way that I provide, with thanksgiving and gladness, then they are guided forth in me. I say they are given the direction, the correction, and the instruction that they have need of, every single day. I say that it is me the Living God who is well able to supply to the man, the woman, and even the nation, that will be respecting me.

Now I say this day when you look upon what it is that pride and stubbornness, and rebellion do bring to the sons of men, what do you see? I say you see sorrow multiplied, you see distress and anguish and much heartbreak all because of what? Because men would not humble themselves unto me and repent, and be brought forth in my way. But I say they insisted and persisted that they do it their way, and I say that is the way of distress.

Now I say in a wicked, a vile, a corrupted, and evil generation let it be me that you will continue to look unto and believe. Let it be me who proves to be the one true God who is able, to bring thee forth in the way of righteousness that I have. I say when you will be living your days in repentance before me, you are living in the life. But I say when you live your days, in pride, rebellion, and hatred, I say you are living your days in death. I say when you stand before me, you will be delegated to hell, because that is the reward of those who have contempt for me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God am ever present to give the truth, the light, and the mercy unto the ones who will choose to walk in my way. I say that I am ever present to uplift, instruct, to direct, and guide all who will be purposed in me. I say that it is me the Living God who will give to thee the truth, the light, the strength, and the hope of who I am. It is me the Living God who will be ever present to direct, correct, and show forth the way wherein you are meant to walk.

Therefore I say in a wicked, a vile, a corrupt generation be hasty each day to repent. That is, be bowing down, be surrendering yourselves unto me, be confessing those things that stand as a block in your relationship with me. I say do not be holding to sin, in any of its manifestations, but I say be holding to the life that is given to those who repent. I say when you will be living the repentant lifestyle, you are living in humility before me.

But I say when any will swell up on pride, refusing repentance, and living in the imagination as to how great they are, I say they are far from me. I say that I the Living God will resist, and resist, and resist the proud fools, who are so great in their own eyes. I say there are many literally many who die of pride suffocation in these wicked times. That is, they have grown so drunk on pride, they are literally suffocated by the same. That is, they can no longer cry out unto me, nor repent unto me, because they have given themselves to pride.  

Now I say this day when you think upon how deadly pride is, why even play with the same? That is, why even toy in your imagination with how great you think you are? I say why not be humbled and brought low by me through repentance? That you can indeed stay in the humility condition that will keep you in right standing with me. I say if you are willing to repent and to walk in the humility that accompanies the same, then I say that you are kept in my presence. But I say if you choose the way of proud fools, that is exactly how you will live and die and perish as a fool. For I say that I the Living God do not have respect for those who turn aside unto pride, and think they have no need of me. That is, the ones who have contempt for me, for my people, and most of all for the repentance I offer unto them, that they could be restored.

I say when men are contemptuous know that I the Living God regard them with contempt. I say they have given themselves to the drunkenness of pride, and yes they pay for the same. Now I say you are living in a time when I the Living God am calling forth REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, and all who will hear and obey, will be honored by me. That is, in the sense that I will give unto them, the mercy and the truth, and the light upon their paths. I say that they will be guided by my hand, for it is me the Living God who is well able to bring them forth in my way.

But I say that the ones who have abandoned themselves to the foolery, the vanity, the stupidity of pride, I say they will die and perish. I say that pride is a killer, I say it will literally murder a man’s soul. That is, that pride has so much contempt and disrespect for me, that it will cause a man to do things he would never imagine he would do. I say that it is because when he is led by pride, he is led by the very essence of the fool. I say that he will indeed end in the course of his own damnation, because he has chosen pride.

Now I say this day that it is indeed up to each man, and woman to daily repent before me, that they do not succumb to pride. Because I say if you look at the nation, it is ruled by the rip of pride, and I say that pride is literally destroying the same. I say because pride and rebellion, and stubbornness have made their pact of destruction, I say that many are destroyed in the same. I say that the end of it all is nothing but devastation, and desolation of soul.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do call thee to walk humbly before me, each and every day, by living in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION the way that I ordain. That is, by being willing to humble yourselves, to repent, for whatsoever and whosoever it is that I would ordain. I say you are not meant to be dictating unto me, but I say you are meant to be in obedience to my commands unto thee. I say you are meant to be thankful to be living in repentance each and every day, for it is indeed my way.

Now I say this day that I the Living God never called my people to doubtful disputation against me, but I have called my people to obedient service unto me. I say if you walk in the way that I give thee, you will be uplifted and strengthened by me. But I say if you are ever imagining that you know better than I, then I say you are going in the way of a proud fool. I say that the proud fool will die in his own wretchedness, and be damned forever in the same.

But I say that the wise will pay heed to my instruction, obey the same, and be kept by me. Now I say this day that I the Living God will be with thee to direct, correct, and bring thee forth, for yes indeed you are mine. I say if you willl walk in the fear of me, then you will be kept always, for I the Living God do keep my hand of mercy upon thee. I say as you are living in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, then I say you will be able to see clearly the pathway I set before thee.

But I say when your eyes have been blinded by pride, by rebellion, and by stubbornness, I say that you stagger along. I say you make no progress in the way of righteousness, but I say you are bound in the unrighteousness that is the consequence of pride. Now I say this day that I the Living God do call my people to come forth each day, repenting unto me and being washed by me. I say there is power, much power in repentance and when you will exercise the same, then I say you are well pleasing unto me.

But I say if you choose to oppose what it is that I the Living God do desire for thee, what do you do? I say you go in a course, a way that is misery, a way that is foolery, a way that is vain. I say this day that I the Living God will be ever present to direct thee in that which I have intended, that which I provide. I say if you are accepting of the way that I give thee, then I say you will be forever abiding in me. But I say when pride enters in and a man will reject my way, despise my way, and even have contempt for me, know that such a man is choosing the course of his own despair.

I say when men are choosing a way that I never ordained, that is a way of pride, contempt, and disrespect towards me, they are choosing the way of their own damnation. Now I say in this wicked, perverse, and vile generation, the destroyer is daily stocking souls. That is, he is looking for the ones that he can entice with pride and contempt towards me, that he can entice with rebellion and high mindedness, that he can entice through stubbornness to take them far from me. I say that the destroyer is looking for those that will succumb to his tactics, and likewise be overwhelmed. Yes there are plenty of fools who are wise in their own conceit refusing to repent.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do call every man to repent, and to keep on repenting before me. That is, to keep himself in a place of subjectivity unto me, rather than dictating unto me. I say when you look upon what it is that I the Living God do offer to the sons of men, it is the way of life. I say when men will abuse that way, when they accuse me, and my servants then I say they are liable for death. I say this day do not doubt that I the Living God am just in all of my dealings and I say that I deal with the sons of men. That is, that they would indeed be walking in truth and light, mercy and hope, and the peace that I provide.

I say therefore this day be thankful when you are given the truth and the light upon the path, and the mercy of who I am. I say be thankful that you are directed, corrected, and shown the way that I intend for you to walk in, that you can be ever kept in me. I say that it is me the Living God who will guide thee forth in truth, and light, mercy and strength, every single day as you continue in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION in me.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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