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MESSAGE 8685, -- SPOKEN Dec. 11, 2013

I speak unto thee this day, and I say when you see the enemy rise up in anger, when you see the enemy rise up in accusation, why is it so? I say that it is because you have centered yourself upon my will, that is to declare REPENTANCE REVOLUTION and maintain the same. I say that the enemies, literally despise repentance, more than any other thing. That is, in the sense that they know if men repent, then they can indeed be set free in me. I say that the enemy forces are thoroughly hating, despising, abhorring, and seeking to eradicate repentance.

Now I say this day be thankful that I the Living God am leading thee in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, for I say that it is a weapon of great power. That is, the enemy forces will indeed go mad under the same, for I say that it is something they cannot overwhelm. I say when the ones who are truly mine will enter into and remain in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, then I say that the enemies cannot help but manifest their fury against me. I say in the process of it all, I say they lose out, because I am not defeated.

Now I say this day if you consider how much force the enemy has put into eradicating repentance, why is it so? I say that it is because the enemy knows if he can undermine, and bring down to naught the principle of repentance, that no man will come unto me.

But I say that it is me the Living God who is declaring the need, for that repentance to be restored, to be uplifted, to be rejoiced in day by day. I say that the ones who will obey my command, my desire for REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, will come forth victorious in the same.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to live in fear of enemies, but I call thee to live in faith in me. That is, you are meant to be overcoming the threats of wicked men, of evil doers, for I say that it is me the Living God who will give thee the power to prevail. I say when the enemies will get themselves into a flurry, a stew, a manifestation of rage, why is it so? I say that it is because the fire of repentance, true repentance is driving them mad.

Now I say this day, that I the Living God never called my people to live under the shadow of Egypt, but I have called my people to live in me. That is, ever trusting, believing, and hoping in me, for I am indeed the one who is able. I say if I the Living God do deliver weaponry into your hand, I say you are meant to use the same. That is, you are meant to hold steadfast to the course that I have put before thee, and not be taken out of that way. I say when the enemy will use his division tactics to keep you from staying steady, in what I have commanded unto you, I say you are not meant to be lured by the same. That is, you are not meant to be lured into a place that I the Living God am not appointing for thee. But I say you are meant to know, understand, and realize that I am indeed the Almighty. If you will believe in me, and trust in me, you will be ever guided by me.

I say that it is me the Living God who does guide thee in the warfare, and even the one that is at hand. For I say that I the Living God am the one who reigns supreme, and I say that my strategy, my appointment unto thee, to enter in to and remain in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, is the ultimate strategy. That is, it is the ultimate agenda, that I have for humankind, and I say when you are attentive, responsive, and obedient unto me, in the same, then I say you are well pleasing unto me, and in the center of my will.

Therefore I say do not let the enemy forces lure thee away from that, for I say that is the primary and essential thing that you are meant to do. That is, you are meant to remain in the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, and not be sidetracked by the threats of the wicked, nor the accusations of the vile. Now I say this day that I the Living God do intend to give to thee the way of my truth and my light, the way of my mercy, and my hope, and the way of my peace day by day. I say if you will but be accepting of that way, then you are brought forth in me. That is, you are given the truth, the light, the strength, and the hope day by day, for it is me the Living God who does give to thee the same. I say you are able to walk in the way of the upright, for I the Living God will cause it to be so.

Now I say in a wayward, a vile, a corrupted, and evil generation, you will literally see many go mad, who refuse to repent. That is, when I the Living God through my conviction power will show them the error of their way, will show them their sin, will show them their darkness, and still they stubbornly cling to their pride, their rebellion against me, I say you will literally see them go mad. That is, they will go insane, they will prove to be full of all manner of darkness, evil, and sin within.

I say the very demons that give them their strength and their so-called courage, will drive them insane. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be deviated, from what I have told thee to do. I say that the major job that I have set before thee, and the one you are meant to fulfill, finish, and complete each day, is REPENTANCE REVOLUTION. That is, you are meant to continue to revolt against sin, against darkness, against evil on every hand. I say you are meant to repent for those things that I the Living God would show thee in your own life and in the lives of others likewise. That is, as I the Living God would dictate unto thee the need for repentance, I say you are meant to give me the same.

Now I say this day that the enemies of my purpose do hate, despise, and detest repentance more than any other thing. That is, because they know that through repentance that men are humbled down, they are freed from their pride, and they are brought into right standing with me. That is, when men will repent of the evil, the wickedness, and thoroughly amend and change their ways, then I say they are given the new life that is found in me.

But I say when men will continue in the darkness of sin, I say that the enemy is satisfied, and not riled at all. Now I say this day consider that I the Living God do delight when my people will continue in the course that I have set before them. That is, not easily lured, nor snared, nor taken away, nor enticed to battles that I am not calling them unto. But I say that I the Living God have intended that the ones who are mine, would be ever kept walking uprightly in me. I say that I have intended that the ones who are mine, would be thankful to be partakers of truth and light, mercy and hope, and the peace that I provide.

Now I say this day that I the Living God have called thee to be coming forth in the truth, the light, the mercy that I give, day by day. I say that I have called thee to rejoice, that it is me that you can continue to look unto and believe.

I say when you are indeed coming forth in the blessedness, the truth, the light, that I give you are ever kept in me. That is, when you will continue in the course of repentance, it is me the Living God who keeps my hand over thee. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be ensnared, entangled, and overwhelmed at this time, but I call thee to continue in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION for it is my dictate unto thee. I say when you see the enemy send up a red flag, and scream, rant, and rage, I say that it is simply what I have told thee is so. That is, that the enemy forces are thoroughly disgusted, enraged, and put to flight by the very factor of repentance. I say that it is repentance that the enemy hates and has sought to eradicate from the midst of my people, all these years.

I say when my people will remain in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, I say there is no weapon that shall overtake them. But I say when my people will likewise respond to pride through pride, respond to bitter reviling through the same, and respond to anger with anger, I say that they lose out with me. I say that my people are deviated and taken away from the pathway that I have put before them, and in the same, they disappoint me.

But I say when my people will stay steady in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, then I say that the victory is given unto them. Now I say this day if you really consider that it is me the Living God, who is thy keeper, I say what do you have to fear from evil men? That is, when evil men will rise up in the false authority that the demon powers will put upon them, and swell up with all manner of accusation and threats, I say do not fear them at all. But I say remember, that it is me the Living God who is thy safety, thy strength, the rear guard, it is me the Living God who is able to keep thee always. I say you are not meant to be taken by the threatening of the wicked, but I say you are meant to stay steady in me.

Now I say if you really recount the factors of life, you will see that it is me the Living God and me alone, who has kept thee. I say do not take the keeping power that I the Living God do have, and claim it as your own. I say that it is not by any of your own invention, it is not by any of your own labor, but it is by the power, the strength, the authority that I provide. That indeed it is me the Living God, who is able to keep my people, and guide them in my way.

Now I say this day, that I the Living God have called thee to increase in your faith, your confidence, your trust in me. I say that I have called thee to be all the more determined, to stay in the course that I set before thee, ever keeping the same. I say that I have called thee to be all the more determined that you can indeed walk uprightly in the truth, the light, the strength that I provide.

I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed all righteousness, blessedness, truth, hope, and the mercy provided for my own. Now I say therefore this day, do not be weary in well doing, do not be overwhelmed but I say be guided by me. That is, in the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION that I the Living God, have set as the course before thee day by day. I say do not let the enemy tempt thee to be led astray, led out of my way, wherein he can seek to overpower thee. But I say remain ever steady at the primary purpose I have put before thee, and rejoice in the same. I say when you will indeed be faithful to the commission that I the Living God have called thee to in these days, you will see that it is me the Living God who is thy victory. I say when the wicked will be riled up because of repentance, do not think it a strange thing. I say that it is by the conviction power of my Spirit and when my true ones obey me, that men are taken in a way that will prove to be their own despair. That is, when they grow more and more enraged and angry, accusatory, and attempting their terrorization tactics, why is it so? I say that it is because of their hatred for repentance.

Now I say this day consider, that if all men would repent, as they ought to do, then so could there by peace in the earth. But I say that men will cling to stubbornness, to pride, to rebellion, and literally fight till their dying breath. But I say they will not fight for righteousness, nor stand in truth, but I say they will fight against me. But I say that the truth of it is, there is absolutely no man nor woman upon this earth, that wins over me. For I say when you see them spewing, brewing, threatening, and attempting to accuse and abuse, why is it so? I say that it is because they are driven mad by repentance when my own people stay steady in the same.

I say the waves that go out in the Spirit are nothing but conviction, and revelation of their own evil and I say that the same mounts up, till they are ready to go insane, blow up, and go mad. But I say that it is me the Living God who has brought it to pass. That is, because they have refused to repent, to turn from their wicked ways, and walk in the way that I provide. Now I say this day that I the Living God do offer unto thee the way of truth and light, and the guidance in every battle, I say pay heed unto me. I say be adhering to the truth, the light, the mercy, that I give ever thankful for my way. I say it is me the Living God who is the way of all truth, the way of all light, and the way of mercy provided. It is me the Living God who will indeed continue to give thee, the victory that I do have for thee. I say you are not meant to be defeated, overwhelmed, and devoured, and I say when you hear the threats of wicked men, know that I the Living God can turn the very evil they have schemed against thee, back upon them. I say they can be shown to be the utter fools, the madmen they are. I say give thanks, and praise unto me, that you are privileged to be in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION and remain in the same.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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