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MESSAGE 8681, -- SPOKEN Dec. 9, 2013

I speak unto thee this day and I say when you look upon the foolishness, when you look upon the stupidity, when you look upon the misbehavior of those who claim that they are my people, why is it so? I say that it is because they have failed to have repentance in their lives, that is they have never involved themselves in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION before me. That is, they have never revolted against the former lifestyle, but I say that they have kept the same alive. I say they have never turned completely from sin, but I say they love the world.

I say all the while they claim that they are my people, they claim that it is me that they love, but I say they are guilty of worshiping idols. That is, they have taken unto themselves a multitude of idols, other gods, and yes they are loving it so. I say that they have departed from the truth, the light, the strength, that I would have given unto them, to go a whoring after the ways of the heathen. I say in the process of it all, they prove they are not faithful nor true unto me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God never ever intended that the ones who are mine would be estranged from me, would go a whoring from me, would be departed from my way. But I say that I have intended that the ones who are mine, would walk in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION day by day. But I say you have many who have given themselves to falsehood, pretension, and lies, and I say they are even under generational curses of the same. That is, going from one generation to another in their pretension that it is me that they love.

I say that it is because they have refused, refused, refused REPENTANCE REVOLUTION in their lives. I say if men do not thoroughly repent, and maintain repentance throughout their lives in me, then I say they depart from me. That is, they go a whoring, they take up idols, they choose other lovers, and in the same they remain. Then I say they put on a vain show of religion as though it is me that they love, but it is not true. I say they are loving and serving the gods of the heathen, they are loving and serving their own selves, and I say that it is not me that they put as the one that they serve. But I say through their pretentious show of religion they think they get by on me, it is not true. For I say that a man can fool every other man by his deceptive means, but he never fools me.

Now I say that I the Living God do call my people to walk uprightly, I say that I call them to walk circumspectly redeeming the time. That is, to walk in soberness, to be serious about their lives in me. But I say if you look at the ones in this hour who are claiming that it is me that they love, that it is me that they serve, what do they do? I say they live as fools, they project themselves as fools, and there they remain. That is, they are ever going about in their drunk and intoxicated state, imagining they are doing some great thing. I say they are proud of their works that are nothing but vanity, vexation, stupidity, and darkness.

Now I say this day that I the Living God absolutely do not find pleasure in the ones who live in such ways. That is, the ones who live in the ways of falsehood and vanity, vexation and darkness, yet claim that it is me that they serve. I say when men will be full of lies, that is lying to themselves, and others, I say they are none of mine. That is, even though they put on shows of religion, they are of their father the devil. For I say that I the Living God am not at all deceived, by religion, for it is merely rebellion against me. That is, men do not seriously desire to repent, and turn from their wicked ways, but I say they want to put on the mere outward projection that it is me that they serve. I say when they do that, they are nothing but pretenders and fakes, frauds and hypocrites, and I say they are literally reflecting the works of darkness.

I say that I the Living God do search the earth for a people who will truly repent before me, for a people who will amend and change their ways. That is, for the ones who will choose the way of uprightness, rather than the way of filthiness and corruption in their lives. I say how many there are who have their secret sins, they go on in the same day by day, then put on the broad smile that it is me that they love. But I say all the while they delve into darkness, they love it so, and they continue in the same. I say that it is because they refuse, they refuse, they refuse to allow REPENTANCE REVOLUTION in their lives.

Now I say this day that I the Living God have called thee to repentance, I say that I have called thee to walk uprightly, and I say that I have called thee to come forth in me. That is, I have called thee to walk in the way that I the Living God do intend, the way that I provide for my own. I say that I have called thee to be made glad, ever thankful that you can indeed pursue the way of life and truth, the way of mercy and hope, as you walk in repentance before me.

But I say if you live in the place of religiosity and pride, you are living as a fool. Now I say this day that I the Living God have at this time, put great emphasis upon the call to repent, for I say that true repentance is the only thing that will spare men from my wrath. I say that my wrath is kindled, my fury is raging, and I say that I the Living God could let loose at any time. That is, in vindication upon the ones who are full of darkness and evil, wickedness, if they do not repent. I say when men will play religion when they should be walking uprightly in me, know they are liable for wrath.

I say therefore this day if you have heard the call to repent, I say accept that call with all of your heart. I say if you say you have not heard the call then open yourself to receive that call, for it is ever present in these days. That is, it is by my Spirit that men are called to repentance, to turn from their ways of wickedness and evil, and turn fully unto me. I say that it is by the call of REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, that men are freed of idolatry, and the abomination of the same.

Now I say this day that I the Living God will honor the man, I will honor the woman who will truly repent before me. That is, the ones who will indeed be releasing themselves from subjectivity to demons, by fully embracing my way. I say when any man or woman will truly repent, then I say they are found well pleasing and acceptable unto me. But I say when any man or woman refuses repentance, to go on in their own headstrong ways, know they are fools.

For I say when any will reject REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, I say they are literally rejecting me. That is, they are failing to know, understand, and realize that their lives are a mess before me, and I do not agree with the same. But I say when men through pride and stubbornness refuse to repent, and are determined they are fine with me, it is themselves they deceive. I say they are going in a way that is darkness, a way that is evil, and a way that will take them far from me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not find any man or woman upon this earth, who is truly able to insulate themselves from me. I say they will face me in the end, and they will give an account for what it is that they have done and have not done in their lives. I say if they have chosen the way of stupidity and darkness, the way of vanity, above the truth then know they pay for the same. I say if they have repeatedly rejected repentance, when my Spirit sought to bring them into the same, then know they are hating my way.

Yes, no matter how much they put on a religious display, a proud show, I say they are found guilty before me. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to the guiltiness, to the abomination, to the desolation that comes to those who fail to repent unto me. But I say that I call thee to REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, that you can indeed be guided always by me. That is, that you can be uplifted, strengthened, directed, and purposed in the truth, the blessedness, the mercy of who I am. That you can be brought forth, ever rejoicing because you have not failed to repent before me.

Now I say that REPENTANCE REVOLUTION is meant to become the way of life of my true ones in this wicked generation. I say that the waves of wickedness that are coming upon the earth are so strong that men are swept away in the same. But I say that the ones, who will indeed make up their minds, to be fully in the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, will not be affected at all. That is, in the sense that they will not be washed away from the truth, for I say they will be humble enough to remain in the same.

But I say that the ones who will have their heads up through pride, will be found washed away from me. I say that they will be overwhelmed by the waves of wickedness, that are raging in these times. Therefore I say, find your security in me, thy maker, thy keeper, thy God. I say find your strength in me, the one who will keep thee, as you are ever repentant unto me. I say that I the Living God do find great delight in people, who make repentance their way of life. I say that I have intended that the ones who are mine, would continue in repentance unto me, that they could be found acceptable in my way. Not only because of their own transgressions, but in the sense of interceding for others who are far from me. That is, because they are extending the compassion of my Spirit to draw souls unto me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do delight when you will indeed refuse to refute repentance, and accept the same. I say that it is only pride, that makes a man think he can refute repentance, and some how get by with me. For I say if a man is despising repentance, he is literally despising my way. I say that he is most of all despising the humility, that I desire him to be in, that he is not swallowed in pride.

Now I say this day be thankful for the privilege to repent, be thankful for the privilege to come forth, and be guided by me. I say be thankful that I the Living God am the one ever present, to give to thee the truth and the light upon the path. I say if you will be accepting and not rejecting of my way, you are brought forth in me. I say that you will be given the blessedness, that I alone can give thee, for I am indeed the one who is able.

Therefore I say this day keep your vision ever upon me, keep single in your dedication unto me, and come forth in me. I say that it is me the Living God who is all righteousness and truth. It is me the Living God who is all mercy and hope, and it is me the Living God who is the way of life provided. I say the more that you are purposed, directed, and guided by me, through REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, the more you are well pleasing unto me.

I say that I desire a people who are indeed broken to the extent, that they can see how much repentance means to me. But I say when men are swollen and puffy on pride, I say they literally hate repentance and desire none of the same. I say consider how disagreeable that is unto me, and yet the proud fools esteem that they are all right with me. That is, they will say they are okay, when offered repentance, and literally scoff the same.

But I say nonetheless, my true ones must continue in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, ever rejoicing in me. That is, ever giving forth the words of life and truth, the words of hope, strength, and the way of mercy provided. I say when the ones who are truly mine will continue in what it is that I have for them, then I say that they are well pleasing unto me. I say they are continuing in the way of REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, ever making progress in my way.

I say that I the Living God never ever intended for there to be generations of those who are far from me, through religiosity and pride. I say that I never intended for generations to be cursed, because of the transgressions of their fathers against me.

Yet I say, that those things are very present in these times for men have chased folly, they have pursued the wind, and loved to be entertained by demons. I say because they have chosen those things, above the counsel of truth, above true repentance unto me, I say they are doomed in the same. But I say nonetheless, it is me the Living God who is offering REPENTANCE REVOLUTION right now, for all who will join in the same. I say such ones will be forgiven as they truly repent, unto me day by day.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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