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MESSAGE 8677, -- SPOKEN Dec. 7, 2013

I speak unto thee this day, and I say that it is my desire that REPENTANCE REVOLUTION would be boldly declared at this time. That is, that men need to revolt against their sins, their transgressions, the vileness, the wickedness, that they have been in, and thoroughly amend and change their ways. That is, that they need to have a change of mind, a change of heart that they could indeed be found agreeable unto me.

I say you are living in a time when many have heard the call to repent, but I say they have never moved in the same. That is, they think that it is merely something that men used to do in olden times, but it is not needed for now. That is, they have heard the word but they have not applied that word unto themselves. That is, they have never taken seriously the command that I gave when I walked this earth as a man. I say they have never taken seriously the command that remains in my Spirit until this day. I say if men do not amend their ways through repentance, that is if they do not change from evil, and walk uprightly in me, then I say they are none of mine. Even though they may declare my name, I say that it is not in the declaration, in the sense of verbalization. But I say that it is in the transformation, that will be brought forth in a man who is truly repentant before me.

I say that it is not by mere words that men are changed, but I say that it is in the action of the same. That is, when men will take action in the revolution of repentance, then I say that I the Living God will pay heed to such ones. But I say if men will merely mutter high sounding phrases, to put on vain shows to be seen, to be heard of other men, then I say they prove they are fools before me.

I say that I the Living God do not call my people to be vain talkers, but I say that I call them to walk in the way that I provide. That is, I call them to come forth in the truth, the light, the strength that I give, day by day. Now I say when men will be merely talking, but not walking, I say what do they show? I say they show they are nothing but fools, because they are far from me. That is, they are putting on shows to be seen, to be heard of men, but I say they are not well pleasing unto me. I say that it is because they have chosen to go in the way of transgression, the way of corruption, rather than the way of truth.

Now I say this day, that I the Living God have called thee to walk in the truth, to be brought forth in the light, to be ever thankful unto me. I say that I have called thee to know, understand, and realize that it is me the Living God, who does give to thee the way of my blessedness, the way of my mercy, the way of my truth. I say if you will be coming forth in the way that I the Living God do give to thee, then you are found acceptable unto me. But I say if you are going in the way of transgressors, that is violators who talk the talk, but do not walk the walk, then I say you are not truly repentant unto me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do desire that my true ones would continue in repentance, in order that others could be drawn to the same. That is, that the ones whose hearts are sincere in their desire to be free of the sins that they are in, would find their way to repentance as the intercessors put forth the cry. That is, as they stand in the gap and cry for the lost, the dying, the perishing who are so far from me.

But I say that the ones who are merely full of their own prattle, do nothing but rattle for they are not found in acceptance by me. Now I say this day that I the Living God do expect that those who walk afar off, that those who continue in transgression and violation would be brought forth in my way. That is, that they would be uplifted, strengthened, directed, and guided in the blessedness, the truth, the light that I offer to my own. I say when the ones who are my people will look seriously upon what it is that I have for them, I say they will see that it is the way of mercy.

But I say if they refuse to look seriously at what I offer and reject the same, then I say they are found under my wrath. Now I say this day that I the Living God will be ever present to bring forth my wrath, my fury, my indignation upon the wayward, the careless, the foolish who stray from me. That is, the ones who have chosen to go forth in spiritual adultery and whoredom, while they make their big professions of how much it is that they love me. I say such ones as those are regarded as fools by me, because they are not walking uprightly in me.

I say they are literally by the way that they live their lives, mocking the repentance call. But I say do not fret yourselves, neither be pushed out of shape by the ones who are full of vain glorious lies, deceiving themselves. For I say such ones as these will get their just reward not only in this life, but in the life to come. For I say that they are the ones who will find themselves in hell then wonder why. But I say that it is because they did not take action to revolution, in the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION that I desire and require.

Now I say that I the Living God have always had the call to REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, but I say that men have ignored the same. That is, they have gone on in their own headstrong ways, determined to do as they please, when they please, how they please, and imagine that they get by. But I say the truth of it is, there is none that gets by on me, and I the Living God do indeed hold men and women accountable for sin. That is, if they choose to live in sin, transgression and violation of me, know they pay for the same.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to the way of transgression, the way of violation, but I say that I call thee to the way of righteousness in me. That is, by coming forth uplifted, directed, and guided in the truth that I give, I say that you will find my mercy abounding towards thee. That is, you will find that I the Living God will be ever present to uplift, direct, correct, and guide thee forth, for yes you are mine. You will find that I the Living God will be ever present to give to thee the strength, the truth, the blessedness, the light, and the purpose that I provide.

Now I say therefore this day do not walk afar off from me, do not go a whoring from me, and likewise be found under my wrath. But I say each day subject yourselves to REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, that you can come forth rejoicing in me. That is, each day subject yourself to the truth, the light, the strength that I the Living God desire and require of my own. I say if you will be coming forth in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, then I say you are found acceptable, agreeable, and well pleasing unto me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not, I say that I do not intend that my own people would be taken in the way of lies. But I say that I do intend that my people would be brought forth in the truth, the light, the strength of who I am. I say that I do intend that my people would be directed, and corrected in the blessedness, the truth, the mercy, the peace that is only to be found through me. I say that it is me the Living God alone of all the gods who is able, therefore I say repent each day, and be in my way.

I say when a man or a woman will be ever active in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, it is not just through words, but it is through deeds that they show forth who it is that they love. That is, they are not cluttering their minds with worldliness, they are not giving themselves to those carnal and physical entertainments and diversions, that keep them far from me. But I say they are casting off and throwing aside every weight and sin that would seek to beset them and take them far from me. That is, they are taking action to revolution and not merely professing vain words.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do desire that my own people would be crusaders in their own lives, and likewise point others to the same crusading spirit, whereby they seek to eradicate sin in them. That is, where they are no longer under the curse of over indulgence, no longer under the curse of pampering the flesh, and giving it the sins that it wants. But rather crucifying and putting to death those things that would keep them from being thoroughly repentant before me. That is, taking the action to revolution that is necessary in these days.

I say you are living in a time when wickedness has spread out her skirts, she is strutting herself in proud array, and imagining she remains as queen forever. But I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed bringing forth the sword of my righteousness, through the ones who will walk uprightly in me. That is, the ones who will thoroughly walk in the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION day by day, will cause the wicked to scatter and to flee. I say that the wickedness cannot stand in the light, that is found in the ones who are truly repentant before me. Therefore I say do not give up in despair, when you see the braggadocios whore who has spread herself as though she is queen forever. But I say instead keep on repenting that the captives that she holds in her prey can be set free.

For I say it is me the Living God who is calling forth, and reaching out as my true ones will repent before me. I say that they move the hand of my mercy, when they will indeed intercede standing in the gap, before me. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not intend that all would be damned, but I say when men are damned they bring it to themselves. That is, by their rejection of my way, by their hatred towards repentance, and refusal of the same. But I say when men will see the error of their way, see the ugliness of their sin before me, and cry out for my mercy then I say that it is me the Living God who will be ever present to give to them the same. I say that men will be ever uplifted, brought forth, guided, and directed in the truth, the light, the strength that I offer and provide.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not intend that men would be devoured and destroyed, but I say that they are because they refuse me. But I say that it is my intention that men would be uplifted, and guided each day through REPENTANCE REVOLUTION. For I say that the ones who are truly mine, are meant to live lives of repentance before me, ever thankful for my way. I say that the ones who are mine are meant to be coming forth, thoroughly made glad and rejoicing in me. That is, rejoicing because they are freed of the burden of their sin, because they are freed of the slavery to demons, and because they are walking uprightly, not merely speaking vain words.

Now I say this day when you really consider what it is that I the Living God do offer, I say that it is the way of my life. I say if you will walk in that way with rejoicing, then I say that REPENTANCE REVOLUTION will become the way of life unto thee. That is, you will no longer hold attitudes against my call but I say you will give it your all. That is, you will not be as those who merely speak vain words, while their hearts are far from me. Btu I say you will be the ones who speak the words of life, because you are living and abiding in me.

Now I say this day if men had never chosen to depart from REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, I say that they would not be manifesting their lips unto the wind. But I say they choose through the wickedness of their own hearts, to not truly repent and merely to make a show of the same. But I say that all of their shows are no deception to me, not at all. For I say that it is me the Living God, who does see them in their evil, their iniquity, their corruption, and yes I bring them down. I say that I am not at all well pleased in those who are violators, transgressors, and full of wickedness, yet making the vain show that it is me that they love.

But I say that I the Living God do search throughout the earth for the truly repentant, the ones who will give themselves over to walk uprightly in me. I say when I find such ones, they are well pleasing, and they will be brought forth in my life. I say when I find such ones, they are well pleasing, and they will be given the truth, the light, the mercy, and the hope of who I am. I say that it is me the Living God alone of all the gods who is righteousness, truth, mercy, life, and the strength provided for my own.

Now I say this day you are not meant to walk in the folly, the foolishness of vain prattle, but I say you are meant to walk in the soberness, the seriousness of being repentant before me. That is, realizing that you need to be sorry for sin, each and every day. I say likewise realizing that you need to keep your way, in the straight and narrow way that I provide ever made glad in me. I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed all righteousness and truth, all mercy and hope, and the peace intended for my own. Therefore I say this day be thankful to be in the righteousness repentance revolution, that the same becomes the way of life unto thee.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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