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MESSAGE 8667, -- SPOKEN Dec. 2, 2013

I speak unto thee this day, and I say that it is me, it is me, it is me the Living God who desires to nourish my own people through repentance. I say when my people will be repenting unto me, even for sins that are not their own, I say that it is me the Living God who does nourish them. That is, I nourish them through the river of life, that I provide, I nourish them with the strength of the same. I say that I nourish them with the waters of who I am, and what it is that I can do. I say that you are living in a time when even my true ones are in need of repenting unto me. That is, by merely being in the state they are in, that is a land, a nation that has departed from me, I say they need the cleansing of repentance.

I say when the true ones will join in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, I say they come into the rivers of life. That is, that are found in me, the waters that flow and flow, and flow never ending in their source. For I say it is me the Living God who is indeed the infinite, the endless God.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call my people to be dry and parched, to be croaking to be ever thirsty. But I say that I call my people to drink of the waters that I provide. I say when my people will come into REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, I say they will have the waters in abundance that I supply.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call men to live in separation from me, but I say that I call them to live in dedication unto me. I say when men will grow perceptive of what it is that I desire and require and come into the same, so shall they know my abundance in their souls. That is, they shall know the abundance of life, that I provide, and the never ending flow that is found in me.

But I say when men are isolated and separated from me, I say they are taken in the way that will cause them destitution of soul. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to destitution of soul, but I say that I call thee to come near unto me. That is, I call thee to be thankful that you can indeed be partaking of that which I give unto my own. I say that I call thee to be thankful that through me you are uplifted, and directed, and corrected and guided always. I say it is me the Living God who is indeed the enriching blessedness that you have need of.

Now I say this day it is true there is sin in the land, there is sin on every hand, and I say that men have violated me. That is, they have gone a whoring after the ways of darkness, the ways of fools, and I say that they love it so. For I say they do not want to pay heed to me, they do not want to come forth in me, but I say they are preferring their own way. But I say that the end of their own way, is nothing but destitution and damnation of soul.

Now I say this day when you really look upon what is gained by obedience unto me, I say there is no end to the life that I provide. I say that it is me the Living God who will be ever present to give to the ones who are loving me, and caring for me, all that they ever have need of.

But I say when the ones who are my people will stray from my way, go a whoring and find themselves separated from truth, what do they do? I say they simply grow dry, parched, and cracked, and have no part of me. Now I say this day that I the Living God am giving forth in this wicked generation, a call to repent and I desire that multitudes would join in the revolution of repentance. That is, literally revolting against the sin, the darkness, the evil, that is on every hand. That is, refusing to give themselves over to that which is wickedness, corruption, and vileness. But rather, giving themselves unto me. That is, that they could be uplifted, coming forth, directed, guided, and instructed, in the blessedness of truth that I provide.

Now I say you are living in a time when multitudes have separated themselves from me, because they have gone into sin. That is, they have gone into sin, through falsehood, pretension, and hypocrisy, and yes they think they are loving it so. But I say they do not see down the road where the consequence of their sin, will be the damnation of their own lives. I say they do not see that by continuing in sin, they are literally cutting themselves off from me.

I say that sin is a blinder, and it will dull a man and make him hard of hearing, and he cannot perceive nor receive of me. That is why it is imperative that men move into REPENTANCE REVOLUTION in these times. I say that sin has spread itself out as a giant blanket of death throughout the land, and many are covered in the same. But I say when men will repent not only for their own sins, but the sins of others, the sins of the nation, then I say that the blanket is torn off. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call my people to be under death, but I say that I call them to be in life. That is, to be in the river of life that I provide, that is never ending, and ever flowing unto all who are repenting before me.

I say there is so much refreshing, and new life to be gained through repentance, I say give yourselves wholeheartedly unto the same. I say in the call to REPENTANCE REVOLUTION I am literally calling my people to be revived, refreshed, and renewed in their lives with me. I say that I am likewise calling to the wretched, the lost, the dying, the perishing that they could indeed be brought in through REPENTANCE REVOLUTION and know what it is to be free of the burden of their own sin, and be able to walk uprightly in me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do intend that the ones who are claiming that they are mine, would know what it is to walk uprightly in me. That is, that they would be knowing the truth and the light upon the path, that they would be coming forth ever made glad for my way. I say that the way that I provide, is the way of truth, the way of light, and of course the way of mercy intended. I say that the ones who will be receiving of me, are the ones who will choose to walk in the blessedness, the truth, the life, the strength that is only to be found through me.

Now I say therefore this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be as the stubborn, the proud, the ones who are far from me. But I say that I call thee to be ever thankful that I am indeed thy resource, the one you can indeed be pleasing day by day. I say if you look upon what it is that I give to thee, it is the newness of life. I say if you look upon what it is that I provide, you will find that it is the strength, the mercy, the truth, the hope, and the peace intended day by day.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call my people to live in wickedness, to follow their own understanding, and be overwhelmed in the same. That is, I do not call them to walk afar off from me, allowing sin to mount up in their lives. But I say that I call my people to continuing repentance unto me, ever thankful to be guided in my way. I say that I call the ones who are mine to walk circumspectly knowing that it is me they are meant to please.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to live, to die, to perish as a fool, and be overwhelmed in the same. But I say that I call thee to walk circumspectly in me, ever being made glad for the way that I give thee time and again. I say that it is me the Living God who will give to thee the blessedness, the truth, and the light, the strength, the mercy, and the peace day by day. It is me the Living God who will cause thee to know what it is to be directed, corrected, and shown the truth as you are repentant before me.

I say when a man is repentant it is not a difficult thing for him to accept the truth, nor to walk in the same. But I say when a man is hard-headed, stiff, stubborn and proud, because of his own determination that he is right, when he is wrong, I say such a man will be resistant and even abhoring, and rebelling against the truth. I say such a man will make no progress in me, because his soul is dry. That is, he does not have the waters of refreshing that come through repentance, but I say that he is left in the stagnated pool of his own way.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not desire that my own people would be stagnant, would be full of stench and darkness, would be full of the putridness of their own way. But I say that I desire that daily my people abandon themselves to the beautiful river of life that I provide unto the repentant, the ones who will humble themselves unto me. I say when you will indeed be repenting of the sin, of the lust, of the ambition, of the evil desire that is against me, I say you will find that I the Living God will bless thee with the abundance of my presence, day by day. I say that it is indeed a privilege to walk in me, to be kept in me, to be ever guided forth by me.

Therefore I say this day be attentive to the fact that it is me the Living God, who does delight to give thee the truth and the light upon the path. I say be attentive to the fact, that I do not withhold my mercy from thee. But I say that it is me the Living God who will indeed be present to give the mercy, the truth, and the light unto thee as you will but walk in me. It is me the Living God, who will be ever present to show thee that yes indeed, I am the source of life, and strength, hope and peace, and the safety intended for my own.

I say that it is indeed a beautiful thing, a blessed thing, to walk in me, to partake of me, to be directed by me. That is, to be uplifted in the truth, the light, the mercy that I give every single day. I say you are not meant to be going in the way of fools, you are not meant to be far distanced from me, and headed in your own way. But I say you are meant to be uplifted, strengthened, directed, and guided in the truth, the light, the blessedness of who I am. I say when a man will continue in repentance, he is literally continuing in life.

But I say when a man will be hard of hearing, dull and dumb because of his pride, I say such a man is stagnated in the same. Now I say there are multitudes who live in stagnation, in spiritual dullness, to the point that they do not even perceive. That is, they do not perceive the truth, the light, the strength of who I am, but I say they simply are going in their own way. That is, the way of the constipated fools who have no flow in me, of the ones who have grown dull and stupid through pride, and rebellion, and hatefulness towards me. I say such ones are desperately in need of REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, I say pray they come into the same. I say if they do not amend and change their ways, if they do not thoroughly repent before me, I say they will lose their souls. That is, while they claim to be religious, while they claim they are all right with me, they deceive themselves.

Now I say this day that I the Living God never ever intended that my own people would be in the shape that they are in. That is, full of sickness, disease, and mindless abandonment to sin on every hand. But I say they are there because they have not joined in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, and seen the error of their way. But I say they have grown so used to their own stagnation and dullness, they are content to live in the stench of the same. Now I say that I the Living God do not call thee to dullness and the putrid smell that is found in the same, but I call thee to the life that is found in the living waters that I give to the repentant souls. That is, the ones who will be refreshed by repenting, will be pure and clean before me.

But I say that the ones who desire to stay in the contamination of their religious bog, will not be able to rise to any occasion at all. I say that it is because they have allowed themselves to depart from repentance, not needing the same or so they imagine. But I say that I the Living God do intend that my own people would be continuing in repentance, particularly in these times when sin is on every hand. That is, that my people would be in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, ever revolting against sin, and all of its disguises that try to take them far from me.

Now I say this day be thankful for the truth, the light, the abundance of mercy, that I give every single day. I say be thankful that you can be purposed in the truth, directed, and guided in light, and brought forth by me. For I say that it is a privilege to know that I am the I AM, the one who does ever uplift and guide thee forth in the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION of these days. I say give thanks and praise.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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