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MESSAGE 8665, -- SPOKEN Dec. 1, 2013

I speak unto thee this day, and I say that I the Living God never called thee to believe in men, but I have called thee to believe in me. That is, I have never called thee to look for purity, for faithfulness, for steadiness in human kind, and likewise be continually disappointed. But I say that I have called thee to look to me, to what I am able to do for I say that it is me the Living God and me alone who is able to transform men.

I say if men will truly come into me, through repentance, and remain in such a way, I say that it is me the Living God who will indeed transform men. But I say if men are ever living in their own understanding according to carnality, I say that you cannot look upon them. I say you will see sin personified, you will see darkness and evil creep forth, you will see the iniquity that is found in men. I say if you are looking to men, you will always be disappointed. But I say if you look to me, the Living God, the one who is the author and the finisher you will see that I can indeed complete what it is that I have started in men. That is, if men will ever keep their vision upon me, keep steady in their repentance unto me, I say there is nothing that I cannot do.

For I say it is me the Living God who is indeed the God of impossibility and when men will be trusting in me, they are not made ashamed. Now I say you are living in a time when men have lost their vision of me, and I say they have turned to become carnal beasts. That is, they have gone to the way that is vileness, wickedness, and corruption because they have made a god of self. I say because they are worshiping such a hopeless and useless entity I say that is exactly how they are.

But I say when men will repent and get their focus upon me, then I say they can come forth in the image and likeness that I desire and require. Now I say this day if you keep your vision single unto me, if you will keep steady to obey my commands unto thee, you will be brought forth in my way. I say that you will be given the abundance of blessedness, that I the Living God am able to give unto my own.

I say it is me the Living God who is indeed the way that is truth and light, strength and hope, and the peace provided day by day. I say if you will be coming forth repentant unto me, you are kept in my way. But I say if you turn aside, if you depart from what it is that I the Living God do intend for thee, I say that you will indeed know multiplied sorrows. I say those sorrows will come to thee not because I the Living God want to punish thee, but simply because you have departed from me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not intend for men to depart from my way, but I say that I intend for them to learn to be faithful to me. That is, to be steady in their repentance, their vows, their commitment, ever keeping the same. I say when men will learn what it is to be faithful, they will know, understand and realize that it is me the Living God who is indeed the most important thing in their lives. That is, they will know, understand, and realize that it is me they are meant to be pleasing day by day. I say when it is me the Living God that you will be thankful to serve, obey and follow after, you are ever guided in me. I say you are given the strength, the truth, the blessedness, that I the Living God delight to give unto thee. I say that you will be shown the way where in you can be kept, for it is me the Living God who will prove to be the keeper unto thee.

Now I say this day that I the Living God have called throughout the land, and I am continuing to put forth that call for REPENTANCE REVOLUTION. Now I say there are true ones who will hear me, and respond, and intercede likewise. But I say if you have heard the call, if you are responding keep on responding. That is, keep steady, keep faithful, keep true at what it is that I the Living God desire thee to do. I say that it is the time to abandon yourselves fully unto the call that I give forth, that indeed the cry, the call to repentance would be heard, and would be answered by men.

I say you are living in a time when men in their abandonment unto the beastliness of their own carnality, has taken them down the highway to hell. That is, they are literally hopeless, and they are literally useless, they are literally without morals regarding my standard at all. I say that it is because they have abandoned to the beast, and that is where self will take them in the same. I say that I the Living God never called men to be sufficient in themselves, to worship themselves, and desire to please the beast.

But I say that I have called men to deny themselves, to take up the cross, to follow after me. Now I say if you consider that I the Living God do desire that all men every where would be saved, would be redeemed from the penalty of their sins, then I say that the same is literally possible with me. That is, it is me the Living God who can indeed give the provision of mercy unto every man, every woman who will lend themselves unto me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be corrupted, by the wickedness of these times and be overwhelmed in the same. I say that I call thee to be ever strengthened, in the truth, the light, the mercy of who I am, ever made glad for my way. I say if it is me that you will be looking unto, in faith, in trust, in confidence it is me the Living God who will see that you are indeed guided forth by me. It is me the Living God who will cause thee to know what it is to be thankful that you can indeed be receiving of truth and light, mercy and hope, and the peace that I provide.

I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to the complication that comes to those who are far from me. That is where they hear many voices, where they follow many masters, and they of course end in a ditch. Bu I say that I call thee to the simplicity, the purity, of obedience unto me. That you can indeed be transformed by the power of my Spirit in your life.

I say if any man or woman will truly repent and stay in a repentant frame of mind, then I say that it is me the Living God who can easily guide them forth. But I say when men will grow stubborn and proud, and bow down to the god of self, then I say they are taken far from me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to walk afar off from me, but I say that I call thee to be coming forth in me. That is, I call thee to be thankful that you can indeed be uplifted, purposed, directed, and guided in the truth, the light, the strength, of who I am. I say that it is a privilege to be ever purposed, to be ever guided, to be ever directed in me. I say that it is a privilege to know that it is me the Living God who is indeed the one who is ever caring for thee. I say when you will indeed be faithful and true unto me, you will not lack for any good thing.

I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed well able to provide for my own. But I say when you choose the way of the beast, the way of your own carnality, and walk in the same, then what do you do? I say you take yourself down the road of despair, emptiness, futility, and the way of damnation. I say there is a way that seems right unto a man, but that way will devour and destroy him if he goes in the same.

Now I say this day when my own people will truly believe me and not be looking at humankind, then shall they see my miracles brought forth. That is, when my people will truly repent, when I call them to do the same, repent in intercessions for the sins of others, the sins of the nations, I say that it is me the Living God who is well able to lend the ear. But when my people will look humankind and see the utter degradation, see the complete darkness that is found in them, I say they will give up in despair.

But I say that I do not call my people to believe in men but to believe in me. Therefore I say look to me as the miracle working God, the God who is able beyond what men can do. I say when you look to me, then you will see that I the Living God can truly bring transformation as men will repent unto me.

For I say when you will believe in the call to repent, and obey the same and keep up the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, then I say it is me the Living God who shall bring forth. But I say when you look to the vileness, the corruption, the agendas of evil men and take on the same as your covering, I say you will live in hopeless despair.

For I say there is no hope, at this time to be found in humankind, for men have departed from me. I say they have gone a whoring after other gods, other lovers, and I say they have greatly loved themselves. That is, they have bowed to the god of self, and the ungodly beastliness that is found in the same, and therefore they are hopeless, they live in despair, and death is what they look forward unto.

But I say they are blinded fools, deceived, and taken far from the truth, and the light that I provide. Therefore I say do not join in their party of death, do not become a part of their despair, and their hopelessness, but I say look to me. For I say whoever will hope in me, will not be ashamed but they will come forth rejoicing.

Now I say you are not meant to turn into self-pitying sots, because of the times that you are in. But I say you are meant to be diligent at the task at hand, that is ever believing in me, for I am well able. I say you are meant to continue in the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION that I the Living God am calling for in this desperate hour. That is, you are meant to throw yourselves into the cause for men to repent as though it were the last call. That is, wholeheartedly abandoning all that you have unto me, in the sense that you give yourselves totally to me. That is, to call men to repent, to turn from wickedness, to turn from darkness and come forth in my way.

Now I say this day that I the Living God have indeed intended that you would be rejoicing, that you would be uplifted, that you would be thankful unto me. I say that I have indeed intended that you would be coming forth in that which I provide, which is the truth, the light, and the mercy day by day.

Now I say this day do not be as the foolish who allow themselves to be taken far from the truth, and the light because they look upon circumstance. That is, they hear the heavy threatening of the wicked against the just and they cave into the fear of the same. I say that I the Living God do not call thee to be under the control of Leviathan but I call thee to be under my control. That is, you are not meant to give way to the dragon spirits, the vile, corrupted evil that is dominating on every hand.

But I say you are meant to rejoice that it is me the Living God who is the Almighty, and as you believe in me, and go forth in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, obeying my commands in the Spirit, over who and what to pray for, you will see my victory revealed. I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed the way of triumph, the way of glory and power, and the way intended for my own. I say if you will indeed discipline yourselves to keep under the mind and the call of my Spirit, rather than allowing yourselves to wander in your thoughts and thereby picking up demons, that would defeat thee and discourage thee, I say stay true unto me.

I say if you will indeed be involved in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION I say you will see that it is me the Living God who can indeed transform men. I say you will see my miracles brought forth for I am the miracle working God.

I say this day be glad that it is me that you can continue to look to, to believe, to trust, to obey for I am indeed well able. I say continue to obey my commands to repent, and you will see that the Living God will strengthen thee. That is, in the waters of refreshing that accompany repentance so shall ye be washed. I say that you will not be found in the cynicism, the criticism, the analyzation, and the hopeless despair that is every where.

For I say that men are being crushed by the despair of these times, but you are meant to be hoping in me. I say you are likewise meant to give that hope unto others who will repent and be guided in my way. I say when men will truly be abandoning themselves to me, and not to the darkness that is at hand, they will find that I give them glorious light. Yes, they will find that it is me the Living God who is able to hold back the darkness, if men are truly hoping in, and repentant unto me. Therefore I say this day do not live in discouragement, nor despair, but live in the hope that I provide, unto the repentant before me.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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