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MESSAGE 8661, -- SPOKEN Nov. 29, 2013

I speak unto thee this day, and I say when I the Living God did give the dictate of repentance it was that men would obey the same. That is, that they would see their need to turn from their wicked ways, to walk uprightly, to be well pleasing unto me. I say when I gave that dictate it was meant to remain forever in those who were claiming to be mine. That is, it was meant to be done in every generation that men would be repentant unto me. That is, that they would indeed join REPENTANCE REVOLUTION in their own lives, turning from sin, turning from darkness and the evil that they had been guilty of.

But I say because pride and rebellion have entered in amongst the ones who claim they are mine, men no longer repent. That is, they no longer repent of wickedness, of darkness, of evil, and turn from their wicked ways. But I say they continue in the same then name my name, and consider they are all right with me.

I say there are teachers of falsehood and lies, who have covered them in imitation, covered them in emulation, covered them in fabricated tales. I say they have been led to believe that they do not need repentance, in fact they should scorn the same. Now I say what you see in the end of it all is nothing but a heap of ruination and devastation because men are not right with me. Even though they may name my name, and offer their false praises, I say that I do not receive at all. That is, I do not receive their falsehood, their lies, their pretension, for they are not walking in me.

I say this day that I the Living God have made repentance as the doorway, the entry way into my Kingdom. I say when men think they will get in by any other way, I say they are thieves and liars, robbers, they will not come in. I say when they attempt to gain entry by any other way, I say they do not gain what it is that I would have given unto them. That is, had they come by the way of repentance unto me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do delight to see you enter in to me, to remain in me, to partake of me. I say that I do delight to see thee ever uplifted, directed, and guided in the truth, the light, the strength that I provide. I say if you will indeed be accepting and walking in what it is that I the Living God do intend, you are ever guided by me. I say you are given the blessedness, the truth, the life, the strength, the mercy, that is only to be found through me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do call my people to walk uprightly, I do call my people to be coming forth and strengthened in me. I say when the ones who are truly mine will accept my calling, I say they will be in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION. That is, they will be revolting against sin, against darkness, against evil, and they will be bold to declare the same.

I say that it is because they have received my instruction and are allowing themselves to be guided by me. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to live in darkness, to partake of despair, and be found bound in the same. But I say that I call thee to be ever present in the truth, the light, the mercy that I provide, ever made glad in me. I say that I call thee to be knowing that it is me the Living God that you can be looking unto, that you can be believing, and trusting in. I say if it is me that you will be looking unto, believing, and trusting, you are ever guided in my way. But I say when you are looking to the vanity, the vexation, the stupidity of the world, you are looking to that which will cause you devastation and despair.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not delight to see thee in devastation, in despair, in emptiness and futility of mind and heart. But I say that I delight to see thee uplifted, brought forth, ever guided, directed, and corrected by me. I say when you will truly be accepting of the way that I give thee, ever walking in the same, then you are found well pleasing. But I say when you depart from my way to go a whoring after the ways of the heathen, you will be found crippled in the same.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be crippled, but I say that I call thee to be strengthened always in me. I say that I call thee to be uplifted, coming forth, directed, guided and shown the truth and the light upon the path. I say when you will indeed be accepting of that which I the Living God do give thee, of course you are guided by me. I say you are given the truth and the light, the blessedness, the strength, and the mercies that I provide.

Now I say that it is me the Living God who does delight when my people will keep the very foundational principle of repentance day by day. That is, ever coming before me, and letting my Spirit search them to make confession, repent, and turn from the things that are displeasing me. I say likewise when my people will continue in repentance not only for themselves but for others, I say that I the Living God do hear their cries.

But I say when men are proud and full of their own ways, I say that their cries do not come near unto me. I say that it is because of the wall of pride with which they seal themselves in, ever thinking they know a better way. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to pride, but I say that I call thee to subjectivity unto me. That is, I call thee to the humility mind set whereby you can come forth in the blessedness, the truth, the life, the strength of who I am. I say that I call thee to rejoice that it is me the Living God, who will give the truth continually unto thee if you will but adhere unto me.

I say that it is me the Living God you are meant to be believing, and it is of me you will be receiving day by day. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to the confusion, the delusion, the madness that comes to those who walk afar off from me. But I say that I call thee to the truth, the light, the mercy that I provide, because you are repenting unto me.

I say that I the Living God never called my people to be partakers of pride, of darkness, of stupidity, because they are far from my way. But I say that I have called my people to be willing to repent each time they come unto me. That is, not being so proud they think they are sufficient in themselves, but realizing that their sufficiency comes of me. I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed the way that is truth and light, mercy and hope, and peace provided, walk ye in the same.

I say if you will be coming forth in the way that I the Living God do intend you are ever uplifted and strengthened in me. I say that I have called my people in this hour to REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, walk ye in the same. I say be glad for the truth, the light, the mercies that I provide each and every day. I say that it is through repentance that you will be brought forth in the truth, the and able to proclaim the truth to others likewise. I say that it is through repentance that you will be given hope and peace, and strength and safety each and every day.

Therefore I say this day do not be ashamed to repent, but I say be doing the same day by day. That is, repenting and turning from those things that are not pleasing unto me. Now I say this day when men will settle it in their hearts and in their minds that they will be in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, and make it their practice to exercise the same, then I say they will find great joy in me. I say they will find that it is me the Living God who will be present to uplift, direct, and guide them forth.

I say that it is indeed a joy unto me, to guide my people in the blessedness, the truth, and the light time and again. I say that it is indeed a joy unto me to direct my people that indeed they can be mine. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to live, to die, to perish as a fool because you are estranged from me. But I say that I call thee to be uplifted, coming forth, directed, and guided in the blessedness of truth that comes to the ones who are continually repenting unto me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call men to carry their sin, or to wear their sin as though it were a badge of honor. But I say that I call men to abhor sin, and turn from the same, when it is revealed by the light of my Spirit. Therefore I say this day do not esteem that you are too far grown to repent, that you do not need to bend the knee unto me. But I say instead be ever willing to subject yourself unto me in all that I ask of thee.

 I say when you will indeed be in continuing repentance, then you are found well pleasing in my sight. But I say when you are walking far off from repentance, you are walking in lies. Now I say this day that I the Living God find pleasure when men and women will see not only their own sins, but the sins of others, the sins of the nation, and cry out unto me. That is, not acting as though the same is not there, not pretending that things are all right, when they are wrong. But rather turning unto me in full repentance, crying out for my mercy day by day.

I say you are living in a time when my wrath is kindled, and I say that I am angry with the sons of men each and every day. That is, I am angered by their wanton careless behaviors, by their foolishness, their vanity, their stupidity, and pride.

I say that I am angered by the fact that they are indeed far from me, ever going in a way of their own despair. I say when men have chosen to oppose me, I say when they have chosen to walk afar off from me, I say when they have chosen the way of fools, then I say of course there is much repentance that is needed in the land.

Now I say you are living in a time when drunkenness through pride and stubbornness are ruling on every hand. But I say that those powers can be brought down if men will thoroughly repent before me. I say there is nothing impossible with me and when men will cry out unto me, and make their repentance real, it is me the Living God who shall hear the same. It is me the Living God who will cause men to be brought to right standing with me, if they repent.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do desire that you would be ever active and alert in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, ever coming forth in my way. I say if you will accept what it is that I the Living God do dictate and walk in the same, then you are well pleasing. But I say if you resist REPENTANCE REVOLUTION through pride and stubbornness, then you will be found under wrath. I say that it is the time that men will either hear me, and obey, or go in their own way and be damned. I say that I the Living God am offering tender mercy, forgiveness, through those who repent. But I say when men refuse repentance they are refusing my life.

I say this day the foolish will refuse to repent, go on in their stubborn ways and be damned for that. But I say that the wise will accept the call to repent, bow down and humble themselves before me, and be brought forth in my way.

Now I say this day be glad that I give to thee the privilege, the opportunity to repent, to bow down, to walk uprightly in me, and be given the truth and the light, the blessedness and the strength that I provide. I say that it is me the Living God who offers to thee the mercy, the hope, and the peace of who I am.

Therefore I say this day be thankful that you have indeed been given the privilege, the opportunity to repent unto me. I say be ever repenting, be ever turning from wickedness and coming forth in the truth, the light, the mercy of who I am. I say be glad that I the Living God do give to thee the privilege to walk uprightly, to be ever guided, and the privilege to be directed in my way. For I say when you will be continuing in repentance, then you have the clarity of my light upon the path.

But I say when any man or woman will seal up in rebellion and pride, they are covered in death. I say this day that I the Living God do call thee to REPENTANCE REVOLUTION whereby you can see the error, you can see the darkness, and not partake of the same.

But I say when you refuse that REPENTANCE REVOLUTION to go on in pride, and the arrogance of rebellion, I say you will be judged a fool, beaten with may stripes. I say it is senseless to go in the way of fools when you can go in the way of the wise, that is through repentance before me. I say this day be thankful for the time that I give thee to repent, before it is too late, and you are damned forever. I say count it a privilege to be in a place of repentance with me, thy maker, thy keeper, thy God.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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