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MESSAGE 8659, -- SPOKEN Nov. 28, 2013

I speak unto thee this day, and I say that it is truly a lovely, a beautiful thing to be able to repent and be forgiven by me. I say if you truly think of the forgiveness mercy that I the Living God alone am able to give and forgive the sins of the sons of men, I say that it is a wonderful thing. That is, to know that your sins are forgiven, to know that your transgressions are under the cover of my blood to be remembered no more.

But I say when men will reject the very facet of repentance, again and again, and again, I say they cut themselves off from me. I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed full of wrath against the ones who refuse to believe, to trust in me. I say when a man will refuse to believe that he needs repentance, I say that he is in store for my wrath. I say when men are vainly puffed up, in their own righteousness, refusing to repent, refusing to accept my forgiveness, my mercy, my life, what do they do? I say they set themselves up to be victims of wrath again and again, and again because of their refusal of me.

Now I say the very miracle of repentance is one that I the Living God came bringing to the sons of men. That is, that they could indeed be forgiven of the sins, the transgressions, the iniquities, the violations that they had committed against me. I say it was me the Living God and me alone who offered to mankind, divine pardon that no other man could give. I say that it is me the Living God who offers that same divine pardon in these days if men will thoroughly repent before me.

Now I say that I the Living God do not find pleasure in those who continue, and continue in sin, and imagine somehow they get by. But I say that I find my joy, my pleasure in the ones who will be repentant before me, revolting against sin. That is, the ones who will enter into the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION and therein abide. That is, refusing to give themselves over to sin, and to sin, but yet repenting of the same. That is, turning from sin, revolting against sin, and despising sin. I say that it is sin in all of its forms that causes men to be far from me. I say when a man is giving himself over to sinful habits, to sinful pursuits, to sinful ways, he is giving himself unto death.

But I say when a man is giving himself to repentance, I say that he gains my life in the same. For I say it is me the Living God who is near to the man, who sees the error of his way and repents for the same. Now I say that I have given thee example of the two men who went to the temple to pray, and what do you see? You see one who was bragging on his own accomplishments, on his own religious righteousness, on his own achievements, what did he prove? He proved that he was indeed far from me, because he was blowing his own horn. That is, he was exclaiming how great, how wondrous he is, when it is not true at all.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to the declaration of your own greatness, but I say that I call thee to be humble before me. That is, to not be vainly puffed up through pride, and the estimation as to how great you are. But rather to be subject to me, to be subject to my way, my truth, and my life, and to be subject to repentance because you see where you have failed with me.

Now I say this day when my own people will close their hearts to repentance, how can they give the same to others? That is, if they see no need in their own lives, they will soon see no need for others to repent. I say it is true even now, there are literally thousands of churches that no longer declare the need of repentance. But I say they simply accept their membership of those who have not repented at all.

I say that it is because from the top to the bottom, they have refused repentance, they see no need of the same, know they are not of me. For I say they are nothing more than social clubs and I say they are a shame unto my name. I say that it is because they have rejected the foundation of repentance, therefore their sins are not forgiven. I say though they may offer up praises and honor so they say, unto me, it is not true.

For I say they have failed to honor me through repenting, they have failed to honor me, through admitting and confessing their own sins. I say because they have refused repentance in their own lives, they teach others to do the same. That is, to reject the very thing that I the Living God do offer to the sons of men which is forgiveness of their sins.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do desire that men and women would join in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, despising the way of sin. That is, that they would be activating themselves to confess and repent, that is turn from their wicked ways. That is, that they would be seeing the difference between the precious and the vile, and aligning themselves with the precious, that is with me. That is, aligning themselves with the truth, the light, the strength that I offer, that I give to the ones who will repent.

Now I say this day if you really look upon what it is that I the Living God delight to give thee, I say that it is the way of my life. I say if you will be coming forth in that way, then you are well pleasing unto me. But I say if you are indeed rejecting repentance, refusing to walk in the same, and not acknowledging your need unto me, then what do you do? I say you prove that you are indeed in a way that is stubborn and proud, a way that is rebellious and hateful towards me.

Now I say there are many in this wicked generation I say they make fraudulent use of my name, but I say they are seriously hating me. That is, they are hating and despising my way, they are seeking to re-image me, according to their own perversion, according to their own twisting, and according to their hatred for me. I say when men will despise my way, they are literally hating me. I say that the truth of it is indeed the way of repentance.

Now I say this day that I the Living God never called men to hate me, to despise me, and to oppose my way. But I say that I have called men to walk uprightly in me, ever thankful that it is me the Living God who does offer unto them the way of my truth and my light. I say if you really consider that aside from me, and aside from my mercies given unto the sons of men, there is absolutely no way of reconciliation unto the Father.

I say when men will claim they are serving God, when they claim they are serving me, yet I say they refuse repentance, I say they are refusing the very way that I give to them. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not find pleasure in hypocritical pretenders who are on every hand. But I say that I do find pleasure in the sinners who repent, that is turn from their wicked ways. I say that I likewise find pleasure in my own people, who will see the error of their way before me, and repent for their failures to walk uprightly in me. I say when the ones who are claiming that they are my people will accept and walk in repentance then they are found well pleasing unto me.

But I say when the ones who are claiming that they are my people will distance themselves from the truth, the light, the strength, the mercy that I provide, by refusal of repentance, I say they prove they are stubborn, proud fools. Now I say that I the Living God never called my people to be displeasing me, because they were so sure of themselves. That is, so sure of their own righteousness, of their own way, of their religious achievement that they see no need for continuing repentance before me.

But I say when a man will refuse to repent when my Spirit convicts him of his sin, even though he claims he is mine, I say that he distances his self from me. I say that he does it because of pride and contempt for me.

Now I say this day if I the Living God do declare to a man his sin, and he will repent of the same, then he is well pleasing. But I say if a man will seek to cover his sin and even hate me for exposing and revealing the same, I say such a man is a fool. For I say that the man who will be right with me, is the man who sees the error of his way, turns from the same, and chooses to believe in me, and walk uprightly in me.

But I say that the man who is right in his own eyes and blowing his own horn, is not found well pleasing unto me. Now I say when the two men went to the temple, I say that the one was quick to acknowledge his sin, acknowledge his failure, and acknowledge that he was indeed unworthy of me. I say the other man was extolling himself, and bragging on his own religious achievements, but I say that his heart was not with me.

For I say that it was not me that he worshiped, nor reverenced, but I say that it was his own self, his own works, his own way. For I say that the god that he loved and worshiped was really nothing but self. Now I say this day there are literally tens of thousands of those who are worshiping themselves then claiming that it is me that they love. But I say the truth of it is, they have turned aside, they have taken up the god of self, and they love the same. I say because they have chosen to oppose me, chosen to oppose my truth, and my light, what do you see?

I say you see men and women who are in a ditch, a mire of their own making because they have failed to stay true unto me. Now I say this day that the way to stay true to me, is see your own need for continuing repentance and walking in the same. For I say that a man can sin against me, through his pride, through his rebellion, and through attitudes that are not pleasing unto me. For I say that my people are meant to be serving me always, in the attitude of gratitude, in gladness, and rejoicing because it is me they are privileged to love. I say when they refuse to walk in the attitude of gratitude, of course they have sin against me.

Now I say this day when men will grow proud, and high minded I say they will scoff the factor of repentance as though it is no longer a necessary thing. Now I say when you look upon the sins of the nation, when you look upon the sins of the church, the transgressors and violators against me, what do you see? I say you see that they are indeed all full of contempt towards me, and full of contempt for the way that I offer, the humility way because of their pride.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to live, to die, to perish in pride, because of refusal to repent. But I say that I call thee to be ever actively motivating your self in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, not only against the sins that you have committed, but the sins of others, that is revolting against their sins and encourage them in the spirit prayers to come forth in me. That is, to see through their blinded eyes once again that they are indeed sinners, needy of me. That is, that they can throw off the shackles of sin, through repentance and come free in me.

Now I say this day it is indeed a high privilege to repent, I say take advantage of the same. I say join in the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION and do not depart from the same. I say that it is the time for men to seriously repent, for their own sins, for the sins of others, for the sins of the nation, for the sins of the church. That is, to realize that without repentance that all men could easily perish and be damned.

I say that it is a privilege to come forth in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, it is a privilege to realize that yes you have erred out of the way, and failed to walk uprightly in me. I say if you will indeed be coming forth in the way that I the Living God do give to thee, you will be found acceptable unto me. I say that you will be able to rejoice in the strength, the power, the truth that I offer each and every day. For I say when men are walking humbly before me, they will not be repulsed by repentance, but I say they will be ever thankful for the same. I say when a man is in humility he will see his need, and the needs of others for repentance and be declaring the same.

But I say when a man is in pride, he will refuse to repent, refuse to walk uprightly, refuse to come forth in me. I say this day do not be filled on pride and the foolishness of the same, but I say be filled with the repentance glory that I provide unto the ones who are in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, ever believing in, declaring, and living in repentance day by day. I say give thanks and praise.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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