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MESSAGE 8692, -- SPOKEN Dec. 14, 2013

I speak unto thee this day, and I say when my own people will seek to be pleasing unto me, of course they will repent. That is, they will see the need to repent unto me, they will obey the same, and walk in the truth that I provide. But I say when men are walking afar off from me, when they are following their own understanding, what do they do? I say they only wax bolder in the sin, the iniquity, the darkness that they are found guilty of.

Now I say you are living in a time when many have strayed from the truth, the light, the mercy, the hope of who I am, and I say they have indeed gone a whoring from me. That is, they have followed the course that will prove to be destruction, despair, emptiness, and futility of soul. I say they have gone in a way that I never intended for them, that is the way of lies. I say when men refuse to repent, they will swell up in pride and see themselves as better than they are.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not find pleasure in the proud, and I say that pride is abomination unto me. Now I say if you look at the land that you are in, I say it is a land gone insane, gone mad, been possessed of pride. I say that possession has transpired because men refused to repent unto me. That is, they simply covered their sins, they pretended that they were not there, then they went on in their own way. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to sin, I do not call thee to darkness, nor iniquity, but I say that I call thee to the light. That is, I call thee to be uplifted, brought forth, and guided in the truth, the light, the mercy of who I am. I say that I call thee to be thankful that each and every day you can be guided by me.

I say if you will indeed be continuing in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, then it is me the Living God who shall lead thee forth. Yes, you will be guided, directed, and corrected in the truth, the light, the mercy that I provide each and every day. Now I say this day that I the Living God do direct men and I will correct them, if they will pay heed unto me. That is, if they will find the way, the resource that I give each and every day, they will be uplifted, and strengthened by me.

I say if they are refusing to pay heed to what it is that I give them, what do they do? I say they take themselves in the way of weariness and dreariness, the way of their own damnation. Now I say this day that I the Living God do call, and I call, and I call to the sons of men that they would come forth in me. I say when men will stubbornly resist me, and think they must have it their way, what do they prove? I say they prove they are setting themselves up for damnation destruction, and I say somehow they think they have arrived at some great thing. Yes, indeed they have arrived at the great thing of their own damnation.

Now I say this day that I the Living God never called men to live, to die, to perish as fools, and yet they do. I say the reason for it is they are wise in their own conceit. I say when you see a man who is set in a position of honor yet I say he refuses to pay any heed to me, to pay heed to godly counsel, to pay heed to experienced instruction, what does he prove? He proves that he is a magnified fool headed down the course of destruction, and taking many with him.

Now I say when men come under the covering of pride, they can do no wrong. That is, in their own eyes, they are beyond perfection, they are so elevated, they are higher than I. I say because they will not be corrected, nor directed, I say they are simply driven down the course of their own damnation. I say in the process of it all, they will find that they are indeed nothing but fools. For I say that a fool will be taken in his folly and I say that pride is nothing but folly, and those who give themselves over to the same will be devoured. I say that I the Living God do not pay heed to the proud, but I say that I pay heed to the meek, to the lowly, the humble, the ones who are in repentance before me. I say when a man is covered in true repentance, I say that he thoroughly amends and changes his way.

But I say when a man will merely put on a show of false repentance, deceiving others, and thinking he can deceive me, he is the one deceived. I say that I the Living God do not give favor to those who are in deception, but I say that I give my mercy, my truth, and my light, to the ones who will be found in me. That is, the ones who will walk uprightly, the ones who will be directed and corrected in my way. Now I say this day that I the Living God am the one who does care for souls, and I say when men will cry out unto me, in true humility of mind and heart, that is brought about by repentance, yes I will hear them when they cry.

But I say when proud fools will elevate themselves to the place of their own despair, their own destruction, their own damnation, I say they are choosing just that. They are choosing the way that they know to be death, they are choosing the way that they know to be destruction and damnation, yet I say through pride, they are driven unto the same. That is why that I warn thee to stay away from pride, for I say that it is indeed a very, very dangerous and murderous foe.

I say when men are overwhelmed by pride, they cannot be told anything at all, for they already know it all. That is, they esteem they are so intelligent, so secure, so elevated, what is it that they do? I say they set themselves up as gods and lords, as emperors, as kings, as mighty men, when really they are nothing but fools. I say they are proven in the end, to be the ones who are destitute, the ones who are in despair, and the ones who are damned forever.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do indeed offer to thee each day the way of humility I say be repentant and walking in the same. I say that it is humility that I the Living God do offer to thee, that I give thee each and every day. I say if you will accept the way that I offer, the way that I give, you are instructed by me. I say you are given the blessedness, that I the Living God delight to give thee for I am well able to give thee the same. I say in a wayward, a perverse, a vile, and corrupted generation, consider that I the Living God am the one ever present to direct thee in my life. I say consider likewise that I give to thee abundance of mercy, that you can be uplifted, and instructed in my way. I say it is me the Living God who does give thee the truth and the light always, that you can come forth rejoicing in me. It is me the Living God who does give to thee the way wherein you are kept, because it is me that you serve.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not, do not, do not plead with the sons of men forever. For I say when they are proven to be full of themselves, full of pride, stubbornness, and rebellion against me, the day comes that I turn them over to be destroyed. Yes, when I turn them over, they will likewise be under the anguish, the torment, that I have prepared for the damned. I say they will know in themselves that it is because they have walked afar off from me. I say they will accuse, they will abuse, they will seek to devour. But I say they are the ones who are being devoured by their choices against me.

I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be defending yourself in the sense of those who are driven mad by their own sins. But I say that I call thee to simply declare their need to repent and leave it at that. I say the call to repent will cause them to be in more anguish and torment than before. I say that it is the very thing that they need, yet it is the very thing they refuse.

I say this day be thankful that I the Living God do give to thee each day the opportunity to repent, I say take full advantage of the same. That is in this time, this season when I have called thee to full repentance, I say put your all in the same. I say if you will be zealous for repentance, you will find that I the Living God am zealous for thee. That is, you will find that I pour my favor upon thee, because you are calling men to repent and you are bringing your own self to repentance likewise.

I say this day that I the Living God do indeed still have mercy and loving kindness, for those who thoroughly repent unto me. That is, I will give unto them the blessedness, the truth, and the light that I provide if they find the place of repentance. I say that it is not a difficult nor impossible feat to repent, if it is me that you love and desire to please. But I say when you are only pleasing yourself and living in the proud bubble of the same, then I say you literally hate repentance.

I say when you look upon the wretched, when you look upon the backslidden, when you look upon the perishing, the lost, what do you see? You see they are so bound in their prison houses of pride, stubbornness, rebellion, and hatefulness towards me, what do they do? I say they spew forth bitterness, they rant, they rage, and I say they are terribly distraught. I say that it is because they have chosen to walk afar off from me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God never ever intended for men to go in the way that they have chosen, but I say they have done it of their own accord. That is, they have walked in wickedness, they have chosen pride, they have chosen the corruption of rebellion and stubbornness, and yes they pay for the same.

But I say at the same time that I the Living God reach out in my tender mercy to forgive, the ones who will genuinely repent unto me. I say that it is me the Living God who is in the midst of my wrath revealed, and I say that I am showing forth mercy. But I say that mercy is not for the ones who continue to reject me, for I say they are bound to wrath. That is, they are children of the damned in the sense that they are choosing damnation by their rebellion against me. Now I say this day be thankful that I the Living God did give mercy to thee, that I did give life unto thee, that I did give the way of repentance unto thee. I say each day be thankful that you can repent and be made right with me. I say each day be thankful that you can be brought forth, uplifted in that which I give unto my own.

I say that it is me the Living God who is the way of all righteousness, truth, mercy, hope, and peace provided. It is me the Living God who will be ever present to direct thee in that which I give thee which is the truth and the light upon the path. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be feeble minded, because you are giving yourself to pride. I say that a proud man will always have to make allowance for his pride. That is, he must keep pride alive because that is his source of strength. But I say that his mind grows feeble regarding me, and I say that he cannot even see clearly, nor choose according to my counsel.

I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be made sick, to be made weak by pride. But I say instead be facing what it is that you must do, and be coming forth in the same. That is, if you see that indeed you are failing me, I say do not hide nor run from that. But I say be accepting of what it is that I the Living God do give to thee and that is my light upon the path. I say that it is me the Living God who will give to thee the righteousness, the truth, the mercy, the hope, and the peace that I provide.

Now I say each day be determined when you repent to fulfill the same. That is, do not come to me with promises that you fail to keep then feel condemned by that. But I say instead, when you do repentance, I say live out the same. I say that I the Living God do hear the man, who does indeed amend and change his ways, and drastically alter his thinking to be conformed unto me.

But I say when a man will speak to me sweet words of sorrow, yet I say that he does not change in his actions at all, I say that I regard such a man as a fool. I say that he is simply impressed by his own flowery words, that mean nothing to me. I say when he is choosing to walk according to the counsel of pride, he proves he is a fool.

Now I say this day be thankful that you are indeed in a time when I the Living God am giving favor, great favor unto the repentant, that is the ones who have entered into and remain, in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION. I say do not, do not, do not be ashamed to declare repentance. But I say rejoice for the same. I say that I the Living God am ashamed of the man, who is ashamed of me. But I say that the man or the woman who takes my counsel and rejoices, and declares the same, they are well pleasing.

Therefore I say know of a surety that it is me the Living God who is giving forth the call to repent, and you must indeed echo the same. Not only in your words, but in your deeds because you are a people who are full of repentance, who are declaring repentance, who are living repentance.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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