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MESSAGE 8684, -- SPOKEN Dec. 10, 2013

I speak unto thee this day, and I say that I the Living God am not, I say that I am absolutely not defeated. I say that I am the way of righteousness, the way of truth, and I say that when men will thoroughly repent they are welcome in me. But I say when men will remain in their own proud ways, full of the darkness of their own iniquity and proud of the same, I say they are fools before me. Yes indeed I say they will receive the fool’s reward.

Now I say that those of you who seek to please me, to walk uprightly in me, and be brought forth in my way, I say do not, do not, do not give up on me. That is, do not give up in despair, in anguish, and desperation of soul because you look at the condition of men. But I say continue in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, and I say you will see that I the Living God am indeed the miracle working God. I say when you will indeed cry out, cry out, cry out unto me, so shall you see that I transform.

I say that it is me the Living God who is the God of impossibility, and when you are trusting, believing, and hoping in me, I say you will see the impossible made possible. That is, you will see that I the Living God alone of all the gods, am able, therefore I say trust, believe, and hope in me. I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed the way of all righteousness, the way of all truth, and the way of mercy provided. I say that the ones who continue in me, are kept by me. That is, they are kept through continuation of repentance before me, and walking in the way that I provide.

Now I say in this wayward, vile, corrupted, and evil generation, that I the Living God have given many demonstrations of my wrath. That is, I have shown my sore displeasure with the sons of men, how far they are from me. I say that I have shown that indeed I am not well pleased in a generation that has gone a whoring from me. I say if men will truly pay heed to what it is that I am demonstrating, they will see the need to repent. I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed sorely kindled in my wrath, my fury, my indignation, and I say that I only hold back the same because of repentance. That is, if men will thoroughly repent and amend their ways, then I say they are no longer found under the wrath.

But I say if men will only wax bolder in their pride, I say that it is me the Living God who will indeed bring the fullness of wrath upon them. I say that I am indeed angered with the sinful state that men are in, in this wicked generation. I say there is no way that men can be washed from the filthiness of sin, except through me. I say that it is by repentance unto me that men will amend and change their ways, that they will by believing in me, come forth in the righteousness that I provide. I say that it is only the righteousness that is found in me, that is acceptable unto me. I say when men will offer unto me their own righteousness, I say that the same is filthy rags. That is, it is not the covering of life, but rather the covering of death, and I say that it is prompted by religious pride. I say that self righteousness is a stench, abomination, and vile before me, and I do not accept the same. I say that those who are dumb enough to think they get by with their own righteousness, are nothing but fools. I say they are bound to their own righteousness because they will not enter into REPENTANCE REVOLUTION. But I say they are stubborn and proud, and determined that they will have it their way.

But I say when they offer unto me their filthy rags, I say they are covered in the filthiness of the same. I say that I the Living God will reject and scoff and mock their offering. I say that their offering is not born of repentance but I say that it is born of pride. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to walk in self righteousness, to walk in pride, but I say that I call thee to walk in humility before me. I say that the way that you come into humility and stay that way, is by repentance unto me. That is, if you are indeed in a repentant frame of mind, and heart, I say you will be humble before me. But I say if you are unrepentant, I say you will be full of the hardness of pride, and loving it so. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to walk in the wickedness, the weariness of your own way, then think somehow you are found agreeable unto me.

But I say that I call thee to absolutely revolt against the way of the flesh, the old way that had you bound in trespasses and sins. I say that I call thee in this REPENTANCE REVOLUTION to absolutely revolt against sin. That is, in all of its mannerisms, behaviors, and tentacles whereby it had you in the grip of death. I say it is me the Living God who does offer unto thee the way of mercy, as you will thoroughly repent before me. I say that it is me likewise who offers mercy unto the ones, who are at this time unrepentant if they will but turn and repent. Therefore I say do not cease in intercessions for the ones who are afar off, but are meant to be in me. I say if you will indeed be calling them forth in the Spirit by praying for their souls, then you are well pleasing unto me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be a fool, to live, to die, to perish as a fool, but I say that I call thee to be made wise in me. That is, I call thee to be uplifted, directed, corrected, and guided in the truth, the light, the strength, the mercy that I provide. I say that I call thee to be ever thankful that it is me that you can be looking unto, believing, and trusting in. For I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed the way of all righteousness and truth, the way of all mercy and hope, and the way of peace provided.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to walk afar off from me, nor do I call thee to be taken in the way of the damned. But I say that I call thee to walk uprightly each day, continuing in repentance before me, because you know, understand and see the need of the same.

I say that I the Living God do not intend that my own people would maintain an attitude of resentment towards me, because I have asked them to repent. But I say that I intend that my people would be ever willing allowing me to wash them through my word. That is, as they are repentant that it is me the Living God who will give the word of acceptance unto them and indeed they are made clean by me. I say that it is me the Living God who does indeed thoroughly cleanse, the ones who desire to be made clean in me.

But I say that the ones who hold to their old ways, the ones who hold to the way of pride and the way of stubbornness, what do they do? I say they prove they do not really want my way at all. But I say they want the way wherein they can strut and boast themselves of their own works, of their own capabilities, of their own understanding. I say that all of those things are nothing but the ways of death. I say this day be thankful that I the Living God do give thee the privilege to repent, repent, and repent before me. I say the more that you throw yourself into repentance, the more that you will truly understand my way. I say the more that you will become acquainted with the grief, the sorrow, the pain that I have over humankind.

But I say if you are not willing to fellowship my sufferings, that is through repentance, then I say what are you worth? I say if you think you are better than I, that you do not need to be acquainted with the sorrow, that I daily exist through, then who are you? I say when you think you are better than I , then you are not worthy of me.

But I say when you are willing to repent and be in intercession for the unrepentant, I say you are well pleasing unto me. I say you are fellowshipping my suffering, you are fellowshipping my pain, and my sorrow over humankind. I say this day do not ever begrudge anything that I the Living God would require and desire of thee. But I say instead be ever victorious by remaining in obedience unto me, in all that I require. For I say if you choose the way of obedience, you are choosing the way of my life. I say if you choose the way of obedience you will be coming forth directed, guided, and instructed by me. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to go in the way of fools, but I say that I call thee to come forth in the wise. I say that I call thee to be made glad, ever thankful that it is me you are privileged to look to, and believe.

I say if you are accepting of repentance and rejoicing in the same, I say then you are indeed pleasing me. But I say if you are begrudging and resenting repentance, why is it so? I say that it is because there is sin in your heart and your life, that is against me, and you do not want to let go of the same. Now I say that a man can appear to be upright, that is he can appear to be doing all that I require and desire, yet I say that he can harbor a rotten attitude towards me. I say that root of bitterness will be contaminating and defiling, and I say that he will not be true unto me. I say that he will ever run to the root of bitterness and bow to the same, when he is displeased with my commands. Even though he puts on an outward display, a show of obedience, I say that the same is not in the depths of him. I say that it is because he has never truly, truly, and truly repented, to the very depths of his being, for the sins that he has been guilty of. Nor has he repented for the sins of others to the degree, that I the Living God would have him to do.

I say that he is still identifying with the old way, the old nature, the old man. I say that is what causes the bitterness, the resentment, when he is required to obey me. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not delight in a people who are indeed bitter against me. But I say that I delight in a people who will indeed obey me in all that I ask of them. That is, that they will come forth uplifted, directed, and guided in the truth, the light, the blessedness, that I provide. I say when it is me that you will continue to look to in faith, in trust, in confidence, it is me the Living God who shall bring thee forth.

Yes, indeed you will know what it is to be uplifted, directed, corrected, and guided forth in my way. I say that it is a privilege to be in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION not only today but every way, every day that I require. I say in the same, you are brought near unto me, you are taught the fellowship of my sufferings, and I say you are deeply acquainted with my compassion and mercy. I say that the ones who accept the call to repent will be approved of me.

But I say know likewise that my wrath, my fury, my indignation are ever present to fall upon the ones who are refusing to repent before me. I say do not think that I have closed the chapter on wrath, for I have not. But I say that I am giving a call to repentance, that those who will run into the same, will be forgiven by me. But I say that the ones who through their stubbornness and pride, refuse to repent, I say they set themselves up to become liable for wrath. I say that my wrath shall indeed be revealed upon the disobedient, the mindless fools who want their own way.

Now I say this day, rejoice that I am indeed the Almighty God and you can trust in me. That is, do not think that you have to reason things out according to your own understanding, and merely follow the same. But I say instead be thankful that I the Living God do give to thee the way that is truth and light, the way that is mercy and hope, and the way that is peace provided. I say be thankful that each and every day I will uplift thee, guide thee, and direct thee forth in the truth, the light, the blessedness that I provide.

I say that it is a privilege to be directed, corrected, and brought forth by me, the one true God who is caring for thee. I say if you really consider the infinite mercy that I give thee, I say be thankful for the same. I say most of all be thankful that each day, you are guided in my way, as you are in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION in me. That is, as you are entering in to the way of humility, whereby you are near unto me. I say when a man is repenting, he is close to me, and I say that he can easily be directed by me. But I say when a man is constipated on his own pride, I say he is full of the filthiness of the same.  

I say this day that I the Living God do not draw near to the proud, the filthy, the defiled who are bottled up in pride. But I say that I draw near to the ones who will allow themselves to be humbled through repentance, to be thoroughly washed by me. That is, to be cleansed each day through REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, that they can indeed be kept in my way.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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