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MESSAGE 8664, -- SPOKEN Nov. 30, 2013


I speak unto thee this day and I say when you see the fools who walk according to the dictates of their own understanding, know that the same will prove to be the course of their destruction. I say that I the Living God do not accept men who are governed by their own minds, by their own spirits when they are mean to be governed by me. That is, it is one thing for a man to be hopelessly lost in sin, and be governed by his own understanding, day by day.

But I say that it is another thing when a man has known my redemptive mercy and he insists and persists in his own way, then I say that it is me the Living God who turns him over to the captivity of himself. I say when you see a man who is indeed in captivity to his own understanding, in captivity to the love and worship of his own, know such a man is a fool. I say it is me the Living God who does offer through repentance unto the sons of men, the way out of self. That is, the way to come out of the prison house of self, to be set free from the captivity of the same. I say that I offer to the sons of men the way of truth and life, that they could indeed come forth in me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do delight when men and women will accept my way, and come forth in the same. That is, through repentance that they will turn from their own wicked way, not pursuing the damnation of the same. But I say when you see the ones who put on a feigned show of repentance, yet I say that they do not thoroughly amend and change their ways, what do you see? I say that you see the ones who will be imprisoned to self, to be ruled by the same.

Now I say this day that I the Living God never called men to stay in the realm of their own carnality, and to be devoured in that. But I say that I have called men to come up into the ark of safety, that is where they die unto themselves because they are repenting day by day. I say when a man will truly be humble before me, he will not be ashamed to repent. That is, he will not see himself as some great thing who is unable to sin, but rather he will see that if he fails me, he should repent.

Now I say when men are vainly puffed up on pride, I say they take themselves in the way of their own understanding. That is, they will see that yes indeed they are greatness and the personification of the same. But I say when men are humbled it is not a difficult thing for them to repent and cry out unto me. For I say they will see that their sufficiency is not in themselves but rather in me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do call thee to walk uprightly, I say that I call thee to be ever strengthened in me. I say that I call thee to be ever guided in the truth, the light, the mercy of who I am, ever made glad for my way. I say when it is me the Living God that you will indeed be repentant unto day by day, it is easy to be guided by me. But I say when you grow thick, dull, and stupid by pride, I say that you cannot see nor can you hear, nor do you consider me.

But I say when a man is bound in pride, it is only his own self that he is centered upon. Now I say this day that I the Living God am calling for REPENTANCE REVOLUTION and all who will hear the call and completely obey the same, I say they will be found accepted by me. But I say when you see the ones who are determined to do it their way according to their own understanding, what shall you see? You shall see that they remain bound in pride, bound in the captivity of their own carnality, and unable to move forward in me. I say that it is because they resisted, resented, and refused to completely repent unto me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do give thee the call to repentance, I give thee the call to mercy, and I say that I desire you walk in the same, and likewise be enabled to declare the same unto others. I say when a man will thoroughly repent, amend, and change his ways, then I say that he is able to approach others in the humility of the same.

But I say when a man is still in love with himself, in love with his own way, and imagining he is some great thing, whatever that thing might be, I say he is literally repulsive in the same. I say that when another man is hurting he does not come to a proud fool and find the way. But I say when a man will approach a proud fool and he is in a situation whereby he needs me, and the man that is proud will display only his pride, what does that do? I say that it seals the other one in his own darkness, where he will find no refuge at all.

I say that I the Living God have called my people to be living epistles, that is to be seen, heard, and read of all men. That is, because they are in repentance they are likewise able to lead others in the same. Now I say this day that I the Living God do call thee to walk circumspectly, I say that I call thee to walk uprightly and be ever thankful to me. That is, be thankful that you can indeed be uplifted, guided, directed, and corrected in the truth, the light, the strength that I provide.

I say if you really will count what it is that I the Living God am able to do for thee, I say that I give endless mercy. That is, unto the ones who will indeed repent and keep their repentance unto me. Now I say that it is one thing to speak great swelling words, to be emotionally charged, and make all kinds of vows and promises unto me. But I say that it is another thing to keep those vows and promises, to walk out, to work out the same. That is to walk in the consecration, the dedication, the separation unto me, and keep what it is that you have declared. I say that it is me the Living God who looks throughout the earth for people who are faithful and true unto me. That is, true to move with however I am moving and be obedient to the commands of my Spirit day by day.

Now I say this day that I the Living God have called thee to walk circumspectly, I say that I have called thee to walk in humility and be submitted unto me. I say when it is me that you will be believing, it is of me that you are receiving day by day. That is, you are receiving the truth, the light, the mercy, and the hope that I provide, ever made glad for my way. I say that you will be directed, corrected, and shown that I am indeed the one who is able.

Now I say in a wicked, a perverse, a vile generation, consider that I the Living God will show thee the way of my life. That is, if you will continue to repent, you will be guided in the humility way. But I say when men will grow independent of me, through pride and the love of self, then I say they are cut off from the life flow that is found in me. I say when men are too proud to repent, what can they do except wander, and go in their own way? What can they do except be found in the way of death rather than the life that I provide.

Now I say in this wayward, vile, corrupted, and evil generation, you are not meant to focus on the death that is at hand. That is the death that comes because men have waxed bold in their pride, their hatred towards me. But I say you are meant to be focusing upon repentance crying out, and interceding that it is me the Living God who can bring forth.

For I say if you will look to me, you will find hope. If you look to the circumstance, the condition of the world, the condition of humankind, I say you will end in despair. Now I say this day that I the Living God never called thee to hope in men, but rather to hope in me. I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed the God of impossibility, it is me the Living God who will indeed uplift and bring forth. It is me the Living God who will ever correct, direct, and guide all who will pay heed unto me.

Therefore I say in a wayward, a vile, a wicked, and perverse generation, consider the multiplied mercies that I provide. That is, consider that it is me the Living God who is ever present to guide, direct, and instruct all who will be repentant unto me. But I say that the ones who are full of the arrogance of their own way, will go on and gain nothing at all.

Now I say this day when you hear men give their braggadocios reports when they are indeed far from me, what do you see? I say you simply see one more manifestation of pride and arrogance and the love of self. I say that I the Living God never called men to live in pride and the isolation of the same, but I say when they choose such a way then they are my enemies and not my friends.

For I say that pride is abomination unto me, and when men will choose pride above humility, of course they do not genuinely repent. For I say they will always keep a space for themselves, for their own way, for their own lives, for their own fabricated inventions. I say that the real god that they serve is the god of self, the one that they love and bow down to, day by day.

Now I say this day that the man or the woman who will truly be mine, number one, will repent before me. Not only once, but repeatedly as my Spirit would show them the need to do so. I say that the man and the woman that will truly be mine, will be the ones who will indeed deny themselves, take up the cross and follow after me. I say when you look at all of the selfism that is proclaimed in this hour and it is promoted as me, it is not true.

For I say it is nothing but the crafty invention of demonically inspired men, to lead others astray. I say that I the Living God do not call men to the god of self, nor to worship the same, and fail to be repentant before me. But I say that I call men to abandon the god of self, to forsake the ways of their own understanding, and walk in my way.

Therefore I say it is absolutely necessary that a man or a woman who continues in me, must continue in the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION. That is, ever willing to repent, day by day as I the Living God do shine my light upon the way. I say during this time that I have called thee to be in repentance, I say that I call thee to consider this. That when I the Living God do bring up any circumstance, or situation, it is that you would see the need to repent. Not only the repentance that is for you, but the repentance for others likewise.

I say that the stupidity, the darkness, the misbehavior of humankind is greatly advanced in this hour. I say that men are speeding down the highway to hell and loving it so. I say all the while they are reckless, they are wanton, they are completely abandoning themselves to the course of their own damnation. I say through it all they will be found in hell when it is finished in its course. I say they think they have gained something, they have gained the way of their own damnation.

Therefore I say be ready to repent, in whatsoever situation or circumstance you find that I the Living God do bring forth. For I say that it is the time that I have called, and I have called, and I have called for my true ones to be in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION before me. I say do not be ashamed to intercede when I the Living God do show thee why it is that I desire you to do so. I say you are not meant to be evaluating by your own understanding, but I say you are meant to be in obedience unto me.

Now I say if one man of a generation refuses me, then I the Living God can put the call on another man. That is another man of another generation until I find one who is pleasing unto me. Therefore I say do not grow discouraged nor disgruntled when you see the failure of those who were meant to be repentant unto me.

But I say instead be hoping for I the Living God do look to generations to bring them forth. I say when you will be sowing in hope, you will not be disappointed for your hope has been in me. Now I say this day do not limit what I the Living God am able to do, I say do not say that I cannot. I say that it is me the Living God who is the God of impossibility and it is me the Living God who will uplift, direct, and bring forth.

I say when you see the ones who have turned aside, to run wild following their own understanding, what do you see? I say you see confusion, delusion, and madness on every hand. I say you see those that are vexed even though they put on a vain show of oh how great and glorious their lives are.

For I say when any man has departed from me, he is living in death and not in life. I say if he were indeed to breathe his last breath upon this earth, that hell would be his reward. Therefore I say do not be envious of any who has strayed from my way, for I say they are bound in the foolery of their own choices. But I say be daily seeking for the truth, the light, the mercy of who I am, ever made glad in me. I say it is me the Living God who is indeed the way of truth and light, mercy, hope and peace, be thankful for the same. I say be glad that I uplift, direct, and guide thee in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION as you are indeed in obedience unto me. I say continue in the life of repentance, the humility way that I provide.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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