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MESSAGE 8658, -- SPOKEN Nov. 27, 2013


I speak unto thee this day, I say be thankful, ever thankful that I the Living God have given mercy unto thee. I say be thankful that I have given unto thee the truth, the light, the strength of who I am, that you can be guided by me. I say be thankful that I purpose, direct, and uplift thee in the truth, that you can indeed be walking in the same. I say if you really consider the multitude of things that you have to thank me for, why can you complain? I say this day that I the Living God have called thee to walk uprightly in this time, to be repentant before me, for it is the time of REPENTANCE REVOLUTION.

I say there is no man who can enter into REPENTANCE REVOLUTION who is lacking in gratitude towards me. I say that such a man will not be repenting, but he will be complaining and murmuring, attempting to call attention to himself. But I say when a man will be thankful, then he can indeed be willing and ever ready to repent. I say if you truly will accept my correction, my direction, and my instruction, you will grow by leaps and bounds in me.

But I say when a man is stubborn and proud, and determined that he is right when he is wrong, and he does not repent, I say he makes no progress at all. I say this day that I the Living God do desire thee to be progressive in me. That is, ever developing and making progress in the way that I provide.

Therefore I say this day be actively alert, be willing and ready to repent at every opportunity that I the Living God do give unto thee. That is, do not be resenting my pressure that I put upon thee, to cause thee to bend the knee unto me. I say if you will indeed become well oiled in repenting, then I say that it is not difficult for you to repent over the sins of others.

But I say if you are still locked in your pride, in your determination that you are right, when you are wrong, I say you do not make progress before me. Now I say this day that I the Living God do desire that men and women would join in the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION not to belong to a club, but rather to be able to bend the knee, to cry out unto me in repentance, in a way that is well pleasing unto me. For I say you are living in times when men and women are so proud, so arrogant, so full of their own way they absolutely cannot repent. That is, they are as the constipated man who strains and strains, and brings nothing forth from the same.

Now I say so it is that in this generation that men and women are so terribly locked into pride, so locked into stubbornness, they cannot repent. That is, they cannot release what it is that is bound up within them, because by pride they cover the same. That is, they are locked up, they are bound up, they are unable to release those sins, unable to release the transgressions that are a grief, and a shame before me. I say in their spiritual constipation they can do nothing but grunt and bring forth nothing but wind.

I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be locked up, to be bound up, in spiritual constipation, but I say that I call thee to release the bowels of mercy that I put within thee. That is, by repenting first of all of your own sins, then moving on to the sins of others, the sins of the church, and the sins of the nation. I say when you will indeed be well oiled in repentance, it is not a difficult thing for thee.

But I say when you are proud and stubborn against it, you will resist and resist all to your own sorrow. Now I say this day that I the Living God do delight when my people will know what it is to move with me, to advance with me, to be ever kept in my way. I say that my way at this present time, is REPENTANCE REVOLUTION for all who will pay heed unto me. That is, the ones who will listen unto me, and walk in my way, I say they will come forth repenting. But I say that the ones who are stubborn and proud, and resistant against me will pay for the same. For I I say when I the Living God do indeed let go with the full force of my wrath, my vengeance revealed, I say that the ones who have resisted me, will pay in the same. That is, they will pay for all of their stubbornness and rebellion that they imagine they got by with against me.

I say that it is me the Living God who will utterly devastate all who resist and resent me, and they shall be brought low. But I say that the ones who are willing to bow down before me and accept my way, I say they are well pleasing unto me.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to walk afar off, I do not call thee to dwell in separation from me. But I say that I call thee to be thankful that you can indeed be uplifted, brought forth, guided, directed, and corrected in my way. I say that I call thee to be thankful that it is me the Living God who does purpose thee that you can indeed be rejoicing always. That is, that it is me who will give to thee the truth, the light, the strength, and the mercy of who I am.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be stubborn and proud and resisting me, but I say that I call thee to repent before me. That is, to be ever thankful that it is me the Living God who puts pressure upon thee, to cause thee to bow down low. I say you are not meant to be resenting my hands for I say that I shape thee in the way that is pleasing unto me. I say you are not meant to be imagining you know a better way when it is not true.

Now I say if I the Living God do show thee the way to walk and you walk in the same, then I say that I the Living God desire thee to make progress in me, that is advance in me, I say will you follow me, or will you return to the same old road? That is, will you go back to the primary stages and repeat again the things you are meant to have learned already? That is, will you return to the same mode of behavior, the same mode of conduct, and somehow imagine you are pleasing unto me?

I say all that you do when you do such a thing is retard your own growth, your development in me. Now I say there are those who if they were in school and they got a mark that inferred they were retarded, and had to return again to the primary stage, oh what shame they would bear. But I say that my own people think it is cute to play “baby” and go back again and again, and again to the same transgression. I say they are fools for they are not pleasing me, when they refuse to advance in me. I say that it is me the Living God, who does delight when my people will be thoroughly repentant, that they can accept correction and instruction in their lives.

Now I say consider what is the biggest road block to correction and instruction, I say it is pride. I say when men are not repenting of their pride, seeking to put the same under foot, I say they are not advancing in me. Now I say when you see a man or a woman who will say that they have nothing to repent over, that is pride. I say if they were wise, if they were perceptive they would see the pride of the same. I say that they would be repenting before me, of that pride because they have brought their own shame.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not find pleasure in a dull, dumb, retarded people not at all. But I say that I find pleasure in a people who will receive my instruction, my direction, and my correction, and walk in the same. That is, in a people who are in a cooperative mind set before me, because they are in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION. That is, they are not sheltering nor hiding their pride, they are not covering themselves in their vain conceit, but I say they are humbling themselves before me. I say that it is a privilege to repent, it is a privilege to be forgiven by me. I say that it is a privilege to be able to change your ways, for I the Living God do give thee the strength to do the same. I say if it is me that you look to, as the author and the finisher it is me you are meant to please. That is, you are not meant to be living this life to please yourself, to maintain your own little proud domain and say you are fine with me. But I say you are meant to be truly allowing the work of repentance in your life, day after day.

Now I say that men have cemented themselves, and say that they repented one time and that is enough. I say if you consider how simply foolish that is, I say it is nothing but the talk of demons. I say that my own people are not meant to be cemented in one prayer, but I say they are meant to be ever praying and crying out unto me.

I say they are meant to be accepting of my correction, my instruction, and my direction, that they cannot do if they are not repentant. I say when a man is so sure of himself, he will even rebuke me, when I try to bring correction in his life. Now I say this day do not be overly confident, but I say let your confidence be in me. That is, do not be over confident as to how great you are, but I say be looking unto me, as the one who is in the process of reforming thee.

 I say you are not meant to be basing your evaluation on carnal things, but you are meant to be allowing my Spirit to evaluate thee. I say if you will really allow my Spirit to search thee, you will find that you have a lot of things that need repentance over. That is, that are not pleasing unto me in ways wherein you have failed me, and continue to fail me, day by day.

Now I say you are living in a time when men do not want to be made real with me. That is, they are so thin skinned because of pride, they take offense at every thing. That is, they are easily offended in the sense that they refuse to see their own faults and failures. But I say if you are willing to repent before me, if you allow yourself to become well oiled in the same, then I say you will accept my correction unto thee.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do call thee to walk uprightly, I call thee to stay in the way that I ordain, and be thankful unto me. I say that I call thee to be giving me repentance from the heart, and not just from the lips. That is, I call thee to not merely put on a show of religion, but rather a display of your desire to be righteous with me. That is, to be in right standing because you repent as I the Living God do dictate unto thee.

Now I say this day be thankful that yes indeed you are given the privilege to walk uprightly, yes indeed you are given the privilege to be guided day by day, and be thankful that I the Living God am the one ever present to direct thee in the truth, the light, the mercy of who I am. I say be thankful that you do not need to be found going a whoring from me, displaying yourself as some great fool.

But you can indeed be repentant and walking in the way of my righteousness, day by day. I say therefore this day be glad for the privilege to be uplifted, guided, directed, and corrected for it is me the Living God who is ever present to bring thee forth in me. I say that I likewise delight when a people will be repentant to the degree that they can likewise repent over the sins of others. That is, that they do not need to be accompanying those who are going to hell by refusing to pray for them.

I say if I the Living God do burden thee to pray for souls and you refuse, then I say you have blood on your hands. Now I say this day that I the Living God have called thee to the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, I say accept the responsibility of the same. That is, do not be as children, thinking you can play, and have your own way, and I will just simply smile at thee. But I say instead be accepting maturely the responsibility that I put upon thee at this time. That is, to pray with all of your heart for repentance, because it is the only thing that will save the day. That is, it is the only thing that will turn my hand of wrath away, to the extent that men will not be utterly destroyed.

Now I say this day you can resent even that prayer by saying, “they deserve destruction”. But I say that the truth of it is that all men have sinned against me. I say if I the Living God were to judge men according to their sins and hold them accountable to the very “T” of what they have done against me, all would be dead. For I say that I the Living God could hold ought against every man and woman upon this earth. I say that I would be justified in the same for all have sinned against me.

Therefore I say do not swell up in self righteousness, and consider that you are better than you are. For I say if you did not have my hand of mercy upon thee, I say that you would likewise be in great transgression against me. I say do not trust in your own carnality, nor your own understanding, but I say be subject to the dictates, the mind of my Spirit, and you are brought forth by me. I say you are given the truth and the light upon the path, for it is me the Living God who is ever present to give to thee the same. I say therefore this day be thankful that I the Living God have called thee and ordained thee to REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, I say get into it with all that you have. That is, abandon yourself fully, allow my Spirit to search your heart, and ferret out your disagreements with me. That you can indeed be brought into union, communion with me, and pray for the lost, the dying, the perishing, on every hand.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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