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MESSAGE 8654, -- SPOKEN Nov. 25, 2013


I speak unto thee this day, and I say that my own people, the ones who will be found acceptable unto me, are meant to serve me with gladness. That is, they are meant to be glad each day that it is me the Living God who does give to them the way wherein they can be guided. I say if the ones who are mine will truly look upon me, as the one they are meant to please, the one they are meant to serve, the one they are meant to obey, with gladness and rejoicing, then I say that is is me the Living God who can move mountains for them. I say when my people will enter into the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION with gladness, for the privilege to repent, for the privilege to cry out, for the privilege to call upon me, then I say that it is me the Living God who can indeed move mountains.

Now I say this day that I the Living God never called my people to be slack in their obedience, because they are not in agreement with me. But I say that I have called my people to simply obey me, to do what it is that I desire and require of them. Now I say if the ones who are claiming that they are my people would truly move into obedience unto me, so would men be kept in the way. That is, the way that is life, the way that is truth, and the way that is mercy.

Now I say you are living in a time when multitudes have been taken far from me, because they are under confusion. That is, they do not know who or what they are, they do not know how to live, how to walk, how to talk. I say they are daily tossed about, they are daily blown asunder by the winds of the adversity, the winds of change.

I say through it all they live in the muddle of confusion day by day. Now I say you are living in times when men do not know what it is to be men, and women likewise have deviated from their feminine identity to take up the role of men. I say in the process of it all there is much confusion throughout the land. I say that men in this hour do not know who it is that I am, for I say there are multitudes who have re-imaged me. I say that likewise brings unto them the state of confusion.

But I say this day when I the Living God do indeed find my remnant band of intercessors who will pray in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION, I say that clarity can return. That is, if men will genuinely repent, when my Spirit is hovering over them, I say the clarity that I provide will come again. But I say if men refuse to repent, when my Spirit does call them to the same, I say the confusion shall only increase.

I say you are living in a time when multitudes have lost the anchor of their soul which is me, and I say they have strayed far from my way. I say they are living in the delusion, the confusion, the madness of this age, and yes they are loving it so.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to give way to confusion, for I say while it might be fun for a season, I say it becomes a prison house that is totally devastating and destroying. For I say when men will give themselves to many masters, many other gods, other lovers, I say they are giving themselves to the course of their own damnation. I say when those who think they are mine will easily be swept away, and take after other gods, other lovers, I say what is the gain from the same? Nothing except their own destruction.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do intend that men would be fully repentant, that they could indeed be restored to right standing with me. I say you are living in a time, when many have made a mock of repentance as though it were some light and frivolous thing. I say that repentance is meant to be deep, it is meant to penetrate and separate even the marrow and the bones. That is, that men are meant to feel the burden of their sin, and cry out to be delivered from the same.

I say that those who are indeed my intercessors are meant to put themselves in the place of interceding for the damned who are destined to their own destruction. That is, they are meant to cry out in behalf of those who are so stupid, so dull, so dumb, so encased in darkness they cannot pray for themselves. I say when the ones who are mine will give themselves over to be used by me, I say they are the ones who will benefit from the same. That is, if they go to the task with gladness, with rejoicing and thanksgiving, to be privileged by me, to repent.

Now I say consider when you are in the place of intercession for others, that I the Living God have mercy upon thee. That is, it is me the Living God who will give to thee the mercy, the truth, and the light as you will but obey me. That is, as you will be in obedience to my desire, my command, my task at hand, and doing so with gladness then you well pleasing.

But I say if you are in the place of believing the agendas of evil more than you are believing in me, then I say you are a fool. I say you are giving preeminence to men over the importance of my commands. That is, you are believing what evil men can do, above what I the Living God can do. Therefore I say this day do not give yourself to belief in evil, but I say give yourselves unto me. That is, be ever trusting, believing, and hoping in me, for it is me the Living God who is able.

I say if you look upon what it is that I the Living God have set before thee, I say that it is the way of my life. I say if you look upon what I the Living God will do for thee, I say that I give thee multiplied mercies. Therefore I say in a wicked, a vile, a corrupted, and evil generation, consider that it is me that you should be believing, and trusting in. That is, consider that it is me the Living God who will purpose, direct, and guide thee forth, for yes indeed you are mine. I say you are meant to be guided, uplifted, directed, and instructed in the truth, the light, the blessedness, that I provide. I say you are meant to be thankful that you can indeed be serving me in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION for it is my command unto thee.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to the muddle of confusion, I do not call thee to the madness of the same. But I say that I call thee to keep your vision single, to keep your obedience steady unto me. I say if you will indeed be doing as I the Living God do dictate, then you are found well pleasing unto me.

But I say if you deviate, if you stray away, if you go in the way of those who believe the agendas of evil, above me, I say you pay for the same. Now I say this day there is no reason to bring distress unto your own soul, when you could indeed be uplifted in me. That is, when you could indeed keep steady in your faith, your trust, your confidence in me, ever knowing that I am able. I say that it is me the Living God who is the God of miracles, do not ever forget that thing. That it is me the Living God who can do the things impossible with men, and I say that the mightiest of men can be brought low by me.

Therefore I say be thankful that it is me that you can keep serving, that it is me that you can be rejoicing in, day by day. That you do not need to be a part of the confusion, the delusion, the madness, that is on every hand. That you do not need to look to carnal men, to guide thee, as though they could. But you can indeed be guided by the mind of my Spirit, day by day. I say that you can indeed be in REPENTANCE REVOLUTION and you are the one who will be refreshed in the same.

For I say it is true, that I the Living God have called men to repentance and I say that because they are so encased in sin, they do not hear me when I call. I say that it is me the Living God who will indeed use the ones who are willing to be used as intercessors in their behalf to call them even more. I say that the conviction of my Spirit will indeed rest upon them, and they will find their way to repentance unto me. For I say that it is me the Living God who does look at the wretched, the dying, the lost, the perishing, and I say that at this time I will extend my mercy. I say this day do not think that I am finished with the cup of wrath, but I say that I am merely giving a time for men to run into me. I say if they will obey then I say they will see the power of my way.

But I say if they choose disobedience, if they choose to be lawless and wayward, and careless, I say they are the ones who pay for the same. I say they will be found under the fullness of my wrath revealed. Now I say that it is me the Living God who does provide the ark of safety, it is me the Living God who does provide the mercy and the truth. I say if the ones who are mine will look to me, will run into me, will cry out unto me, I say that it is me the Living God who will hear them. I say it is me the Living God who will hear them in their pleas for the ones who are bound in sins and darkness, devastated, and headed to damnation. I say that it is me the Living God who will indeed extend mercy and I say when men will repent they will receive the same.

Therefore I say this day be going about your prayers, your intercession with thanksgiving and gladness that it is me that you serve. I say consider if you saw the impending wrath and all that you had to cry unto was a dumb idol, that could not hear thee at all. I say consider the emptiness, the futility, the despair, the utter depression and death that would grip your soul. I say consider if you had no hope at all, who could you turn unto?

I say when you look at those things it is all the more reason to be rejoicing, to be made glad that it is me that you serve. That you do not need to be in the confusion of idolatry, and in the abomination of the pride. That you do not need to be in darkness, the foolery, the vanity that many are locked in these times. That you do not need to be bound in religious hypocrisy, and sickening pride that is throughout the land.

But you can indeed come clean and clear in me, the maker, and the keeper of thy soul. That you do not need to be muddled, that you do not need to have your mind covered in confusion day by day. I say that you can indeed have your identity in me, and in obedience to my commands. I say you are not meant to be in contention against me, but I say you are meant to be in obedience unto me, day by day.

Therefore I say this day rejoice that it is me the Living God who is indeed giving a small season for men to repent, to run into me. And that I am likewise giving you a season of refreshing as you serve me with gladness each day. That is, as you will be glad to repent, not only of sins in your own life, but over the sins of others, over the sins of the nation against me. That you will find that you are uplifted and strengthened, and refreshed in me. I say you will know once again that in the midst of my wrath, that I am extending mercy, and that is none that can do the same.

For I say it is me the Living God who is the God of mercy, the God of wrath, and I say that I choose as it pleases me. Therefore I say be serving at this time with gladness, and thanksgiving that you have been given the privilege to be praying unto me. That you are not praying to a dull, dumb statue, nor idol, that can do nothing at all for thee. I say this day be thankful that it is me the Living God you are privileged to call upon, that it is me the Living God you are privileged to believe in and trust, each and every day.

I say that it is me the Living God who is indeed casting forth the rope of hope, upon the sea of iniquity to drag in the ones who will repent unto me. That is, as they are drowning in sin, being overwhelmed by the waves, the turbulence of the times, it is me the Living God who is casting forth the rope, to bring them into the shore. That is, that they can indeed be repentant and cast upon the sea of iniquity no more. I say this day be glad when you see sinners saved, be thankful when you see men repent. I say that I the Living God was very joyful to see thee in the repentant state when you came unto me. I say that it is me the Living God who had mercy upon thee, even in the state whereby you did not deserve me at all.

But I say because I am the God of mercy, I gave mercy unto thee. Now I say this day in the midst of my wrath revealed, it is me the Living God who is giving the call once more to repentance, and I say that those who will hear and run into me, sorry for sin, and changing and amending their ways, I say they will have my mercy in their lives. But I say that the ones who harden the heart and stiffen the neck against the REPENTANCE REVOLUTION I say they will be under the wrath. I say they will receive the fullness of the cup that I have prepared of devastation in their lives. I say that they will indeed find hell as their reward for refusing me. I say be thankful to be found in me.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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