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MESSAGE 8650, -- SPOKEN Nov. 23, 2013


I speak unto thee this day and I say consider this, consider the many distortions, the contortions, the twisting, the turning, that men will go through to keep themselves from me. That is, to keep themselves from doing what it is that I have left as the commandment, for my disciples and that is to declare who I am, to declare repentance unto the sinful, that they could indeed come unto me.

Now I say if you look at the programs, if you look at the organization, if you look at the great concerts and shows, and proud displays, that men put on, what do they do? I say they simply seek to entertain men, intertwine them in the same deceits that they are in. I say all the while they are stubbornly and proudly refusing to humble themselves, to bow down low, to pray in repentance and call others to repentance. That is, they would rather do anything than what it is that I have told them to do.

Now I say if you really consider what a grief, a sorrow, a shame it is unto me, that men have chosen to go in every other way, than the way that I provide. That is, they have chosen the way that is foolish, the way that is vain, the way that is dull. I say in the process of it all, what do they prove except they are far from me. I say they are proving that they are lacking in the humility to walk in my way.

Now I say you are living in a time when my wrath is kindled, my fury is at hand, and I say that my anger is being demonstrated on the sons of men. Yet I say that men will stubbornly and proudly refuse to repent, and call others to repent likewise. That is, they would rather be twisting and cavorting, and proclaiming and declaring every other thing other than the truth. I say that it is because they are not walking in the truth, nor loving the same.

Now I say that the truth remains that men are meant to be subject to me, they are meant to walk in me, they are meant to be guided by me. I say if men will accept what it is that I desire and require, then I say they are ever purposed in me. But I say if men are ever walking afar off from the truth, the light, the strength that I offer, that I provide, I say they cause their own sorrows. I say they will be found far from me and under my wrath.

Now I say this day that the Living God am sorely disappointed with the harlot generation that you are in. But whether I am disappointed or not, I say that I still give the chance to repent. I say when I call thee to repentance revolution and you will obey me in the same then I say there will be those who will hearken, who will listen to me. That is, when repentance goes forth and the air is cleared, then men are able to hear.

I say likewise they are able to see because of the repentance that has come unto me. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to live, to die, to perish as fools, because you are full of rebellion and pride. But I say that I call thee to mark the enemies of your soul, not looking for others to blame. I say if a man has lived in rebellion and pride and I call him to repent, then he is meant to realize those things are the enemy of his soul. That is, he is not meant to give himself over by blaming others for the rebellion, the pride, that will swallow him up. But I say that he is meant to keep low in humility before me, ever crying out in repentance, that he gave himself unto the same. That is, those things that are repulsive and abomination unto me, rebellion and pride.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do call thee to walk uprightly, I call thee to walk circumspectly, ever thankful for my way. I say that all that men do in my name, is nothing but falsehood if they do not repent. That is, if they do not thoroughly amend and change their ways, coming out of religiosity, coming out of pride and rebellion, and coming into humility and repentance unto me. I say that all of their labors are in vain. I say that I the Living God never called men to make a show of what they can do, but I say that I have called men to repent.

Now I say if men fail to repent I say that whatever they put forth is not found acceptable unto me. I say that a man may build monuments unto himself and gain the applause of the whole world, but I say that he is abomination before me. I say that it is because he has not repented of the pride that has driven him, of the pride that has swallowed him, and the pride that is damning his soul.

Therefore I say, when you see the great ones in religion know they mean nothing to me. I say when men are not thoroughly repentant, that is abandoning the god of self, to take up the love and the worship of me, then I say their labors are in vain. I say they are not building according to my dictate, they are not doing what is pleasing unto me.

But I say they are simply laboring to promote themselves, to promote their own ways, and yes they love it so. I say that it is because they are far from me, they are far from the truth, the light, the strength of who I am. Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to walk afar from me, But I say that I call thee to come forth in me. That is, I call thee to be thankful that it is me that you can be looking unto, that it is me that you can be serving and living in obedience unto.

I say if you will be accepting of the way that I the Living God have intended, and walking in the same, then I say you will be in repentance before me. I say that any man who refuses repentance is refusing me. Now I say this day when men hear the call to repentance and they are repulsed by the same, and they think up every religious excuse why they do not need to repent, why is it so? I say that it is because they are full of proud spirits, they are full of rebellion, and I say they are full of disagreement with me. That is, they are full of themselves to the extent they think they have the right to contend with me. That is, they are not filled on humility and subjectivity unto me, but I say they literally despise my way. I say that the truth of it is, that the very way that I provide is repentance. I say that any man or woman who will indeed be found acceptable unto me will repent. But I say when men will harden their hearts and stiffen their necks and shut out the call to repent, I say they are shutting off my life.

Now I say this day when I the Living God do call thee to thoroughly repent, I say you are meant to allow my Spirit to search deep in thee. I say even the things that are from the past, that are under the blood already if I the Living God desire more repentance from thee, then give me the same. That is, in the sense that you may have it the first layer, but I say there are demons who are underneath, who are waiting to pounce upon you and take you far from me. I say if I the Living God through the searching of my Spirit do want to reveal those things unto thee, do not close the door. That is, do not think that you are so perfect, that you are so forgiven that you do not need to repent.

For I say that the truth of it is, that demons cannot keep their strongholds if you will repent before me. But I say if you are ever shutting off my Spirit, when I try to show you the error of your way, I say what do you do? I say you keep the demons locked in security till the time that they overwhelm and destroy your life.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not delight in a people who are stubborn and proud against me. That is, ever imagining they know more than I know, and refusing my call to repent. I say the truth of it is, when you allow the probing of my Spirit in your life, then I say those forces of darkness are driven from thee. But I say when you are ever shutting doors and pulling shades, and closing windows that my Spirit cannot come in, what do you do?

I say you keep yourself locked in a muddle, a mire of pride, rebellion, and stubbornness against me. Now I say this day when you look upon the fact that I the Living God am sorely displeased with this generation, I say do not go in their way. That is, do not give yourself to proud thoughts, to rebellion against me, and contempt for me.

But I say instead be running into me, be clinging unto me, be repenting day by day. I say if you truly will allow the work of repentance in your life, you will change. But I say if you are ever acting as though you are all right when it is not true, I say you prove that it is not me that you love. Now I say that I the Living God never called my people to refuse the call to repent, as though they were some well established religious fools.

For I say when they act in such a way, that is that they do not need repentance, they are fools before me. But I say that the way of fools is hard for I say that it is the way of transgression. I say that fools will be beaten by my wrath, my fury, my indignation, and I say they will lose their souls if they remain as fools.

Now I say this day do not be full of contempt for my way, but I say be willing to accept the humility way that I provide. I say be thankful each day that it is me the Living God who does purpose thee in the truth, the light, the strength, the mercy of who I am. I say be thankful each day that I give to thee the light upon the path, that you can indeed come forth rejoicing in me.

I say that it is me the Living God who is righteousness, truth, blessedness, strength, and the way of mercy provided. Now I say this day that I the Living God never called thee to live, to die, to perish as a fool, but I say that I have called thee to walk uprightly in me. I say that I have called thee to be thankful each day, that it is me you are privileged to love, to serve, and obey. I say that I have called thee to be thankful each day, that you can indeed be uplifted, directed, and guided forth always by me. I say when it is me the Living God that you will be believing, it is of me that you are receiving day by day.

Now I say this day that I the Living God do not call thee to be under the burden of falsehood, whereby you are assuming you are all right because you hear the truth. I say if you refuse to take action when I the Living God do call thee to repentance revolution, then you are full of yourself. But I say if you will indeed bend the knee before me, and humble yourself and cry out, for your own deliverance and that of others through repentance, I say you will see what I do. I say that it is me the Living God who does move by my power, my glory, my strength, unto those who will believe in me.

Now I say this day I have not called you to delusion, I have not called you to confusion, but I say I have called you to the clarity of my way. I say if you will accept my call to repent and obey the same, then I say that you are well pleasing unto me. For I say that because of the darkness, the evil, the iniquity, that men are in, in this wicked generation, I say they are so full of that darkness, they cannot even pray for themselves. That is, they are so seriously bogged down they cannot even mutter a prayer. I say when I the Living God do call forth my army of intercessors to cry out, for the lost, the dying, the perishing, it is because I the Living God desire to show mercy. That is in the midst of my wrath, I say that I desire to exhibit my mercy likewise. I say if I call you to pray and to pray, and to pray what is that to you? I say if you think you can’t pray I say that it is because you are full of you, and not of my Spirit, that I provide.

I say that my Spirit is ever willing and my Spirit will move through any man or woman who will cooperate with me. Now I say this day when men will easily push off the call to repent, the call to prayer, the call to humility, what do they prove? They prove that they love their own works, more than the work of my Spirit. I say they prove they are full of themselves, they are full of their own proud works and the labors of their hands. That is, they would rather look upon what it is that they do and admire the same, than be in obedience unto me. That is, they would rather be able to brag what they have done, than to cry out for the lost, the dying, the perishing who are headed to hell.

Now I say this day if you have no love for the lost, then I say open yourself to my Spirit and you can receive the same. That is, you can receive the in- filling of my Spirit, whereby the Spirit will groan for the souls who are perishing right now. Yes, I am fully aware of their sins, their darkness, but I say you have had the same thing. I say that it was me the Living God who reached out in mercy unto thee. I say do not forget what a wretch you would be if it had not been for my mercy in your life.

Now I say this day be thankful that I the Living God am ever present to give forgiveness unto the repentant, to give mercy, unto those who will humble themselves and change their ways. I say be thankful that I call thee to the repentance revolution at this time, that you can move in cooperation with my Spirit, and see souls redeemed. I say give thanks, give praise.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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