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Sex-Obsessed and Contumacious

Gen. James Green

C URRENTLY, THERE is a re-examination of Evelyn Hooker's research that was conducted in 1957 in which the American Psychological Association (APA) was greatly (but wrongly) influenced. This fraudulent research, that compared 30 male homosexuals to 30 heterosexuals, led the APA in 1973 to eliminate homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSMMD)…and it impacted the U.S. Supreme Court's 2003 legalization of sodomy in Lawrence vs. Texas.      

The Research

HOOKER, FRIENDLY to male homos and female lesbians etc., HOPED that "experts" would be unable to distinguish homos from heteros on psychological tests. Well, real and honest experts are currently re-examining her research and have found it to be SERIOUSLY FLAWED!

But CHEATING/FRAUD isn't new to those who try to make homosexuality NORMAL, even superior to heterosexuality. We all (now) know about the Kinsey corruption. Alfred Kinsey was classified as an expert in his day—late 1940s and early 1950s. This was due to the notoriety surrounding his books: “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male” (1948), and “Sexual Behavior in the Human Female” (1952); both written while he was a "professor" at Indiana University. Both books were written based on QUESTIONABLE RESEARCH conducted by Kinsey. Today, his works are considered SERIOUSLY FLAWED, but then his research and findings were considered to be scientific fact! The same goes for Hooker's research/findings—but things aren’t looking good any more for those two frauds. (A short book to read is “The Kinsey Corruption” by Susan Brinkmann, based on the book, “Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences” by Dr. Judith Reisman).

Alfred was considered the father of the sexual revolution. As an atheist, Kinsey was devoted to, and determined to UNDERMINE and DESTROY, the traditional moral (Christian mostly) climate of America and pave the way for the widespread acceptance of ALL kinds of contumacy. Need I say more about what his lying, cheating, fraud has brought about?



SO, DEAR ONES, both Kinsey and Hooker have been responsible (as parts) for transforming homosexual activity from an (mental) illness/crime into "acceptable" behavior. Thus, the church has now been infected with this contumacious, perverse, defiant, SIN! But, God's Word still condemns both homo and hetero sex-sins, for the Bible declares this: "Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality…" (1 Cor. 6:9, Amp).

Hooker's study, as now being re-examined, shows, among other problems, homo subjects were easily identified on test protocols; her reports of how she obtained her samples were incomplete and contradictory; and her study generated results supportive of OBSESSION/COMPULSIVITY in homosexuals. Yet, Hooker did not correct those who mischaracterized her work—"APA misrepresentations of Hooker over the past 40 years appear to be more in line with ideology than science," writes Paul Cameron, PhD, (Family Research Institute, Aug. 2012).


The Examinations

DR. EVELYN HOOKER administered an array of standard psychological tests to hetero/homo men—a) matched age, b) IQ, and c) education. Over the ensuing years, her findings (which were flawed!) were followed up by numerous studies—all with her CHEATING AND DISINFORMATION.

In 1973, homosexuality was de-classified from an "illness" into a "normal variant of human sexuality," and from a "crime," to an "acceptable behavior" in 2003. Nevertheless, her study falls short of standard scientific methodology. Those who have re-examined her study find it to be FALSE—choosing ideology over science and usurping professional concerns. Her bogus “results” that homosexual and heterosexual men could not be distinguished from one another on the basis of the psychological testing has now led to the PINK REVOLUTION we have today. Even current Prez. Obama has come under their refractory contumacy when he announced on May 9, 2012 that he now FULLY SUPPORTS homo, same-sex marriage. This "Politically Correct" move has helped to undermine the God-ordained structure of the family. NOWHERE in God's Word do we find any honor, support, or good example of homosexuality (et al GLBTQ). Jesus supported the male/man-female/woman marriage. Thusly, without saying it, HE CONDEMNED SAME-SEX MARRIAGE.

Projective Tests

BEFORE ALL THIS, "let's sanitize homosexuality" came down the pike, psychoanalysts considered homosexuals "neurotic" IN ADDITION to the sociopathy associated with it, as listed in the 1952 DSM, Paul Cameron writes: "If they were in fact indistinguishable from heterosexuals on widely used projective tests, it would directly counter the ancient belief (echoed in U.S. gov. reports that those engaged in homosexuality are so sex-obsessed and contumacious (e.g. "stubbornly perverse," "rebellious," and "refractory") that they do not control themselves (esp. the youth)." AMEN!

All the PC crap being pushed off on America (and now the entire world!) needs to be flushed!! WE ARE NOT DEALING WITH "NORMAL" PEOPLE. WE'RE DEALING WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE MENTAL AND OBSESSED WITH WEIRD SEX AND ALL MANNER OF VILENESS. Any society that promotes this contumacy are themselves mental! If I can use one whistle blower's phrase—“SEXUAL SABOTAGE, the unleashing of a PLAGUE of CORRUPTION and CONTAGION on America."

Wishful -Thinking Evelyn

EVELYN HOOKER thought if she PROVED that homos could live with little or no sense of distress, and without mental or emotional symptoms, she would win the WAR against common sense and science. But the novelty of her testing prevented this unless she cheated. Even her "judges" cheated for her!

Without taking this any further, I suggest you do your own research.


Revolution Against Righteousness

IT ALL BOILS DOWN to this folks—-Revolution against righteousness. These mental people, who are OBSESSED with unnatural sex, have an agenda: to FREE the world of homophobia—but, so far, their agenda to FREE us has only brought moral decay, division, slavery,…proven devastating to America's social and moral fabric.

God allows this type of sheer rebellion against His moral order, then He ACTS! We WILL see these sick perverts get what's coming to them, and it isn't that far off!!

Because of…

BECAUSE OF Kinsey's sex science frauds, sexual promiscuity, diseases, and deaths abound. Freedom? Yea, America has finally abandoned God's laws that used to keep any nation that trusted in them.

This demonic spawning of "sexual freedom" has given way to over 50 MILLION ABORTIONS, COUNTLESS DIVORCES, ENDLESS CHILD-PORN RINGS, CHILD ABANDONMENT, AND CHILD VICTIMIZATION. Has all this "freedom" really helped?

All this justifying and legalizing perverted crimes has only added to the already paramount problems in this land.

The "Kinsey Cult" has paved the way for sexual predators which are eating deeply into the fiber of this nation. Before pervert Kinsey came along with his insane and fraudulent report on "sexuality," every state in the union had laws against homosexuality, and all the other perverse/wicked filth that DAMNS souls. This is not to say that there were no perverts—there were plenty, but they were kept in check by law and Church.

Even Before…

EVEN BEFORE Kinsey became nationally famous for his sick and fraudulent report, pedophile judge Rene Guyon had worked out the legislative strategy in 1932 for abolishing child protections from predators. Kinsey and Guyon worked together on legal language that portrayed criminal activities as "natural." Sick and mentally ill, Guyon argued that chastity, what the Bible teaches, was ABNORMAL, but any sex act—no matter how weird—was NORMAL! This included animism, incest, male/female homosexuality, fetishism, and variations of such sick things such as necrophilia and coprophilia, all which he considered as NORMAL (Rene Guyon, “The Ethics of Sexual Acts,” 1948, 1958, v-vi).


PROF. LINDA JEFFREY, PhD, and Col. Ronald Roy (Ret.) put together the following list that sabotaged sex-crime laws: (see The American Law Institute's Model Penal Code and The Kinsey Report's Influence on "Science-based" Legal Reform 1923-2003, First Principals Press, 2004).

1-  Legalized all sex by "consenting adults”

2-  Condemned judicial bias against "sex offenders"

3-  Reduced sex-crime penalties

4-  Viewed boy prostitution as trivial

5-  Rejected "common law" Judeo-Christian standards of virtue, honor, and chastity

6-  Legalized homosexuality

7-  Provided "beneficent concern for pedophiles"

8-  Reduced sex law penalties

9-  Claimed that young children are seducers

10- Argued that we must legalize all prostitution

11- Have now, in many states, legalized same-sex marriages

12- Currently working on promoting extreme transgenderism.



THE BIBLE has plenty to say about the "birds and the bees"WE DON'T NEED SICKOS, WHO WERE/ARE MENTALLY ILL, TO TELL US OR OUR CHILDREN "HOW TO DO IT!" But these sickos reject God's way for societies. They have made UNHOLY ALLIANCES/UNIONS with each other in order to create "sex education" curriculum in public schools, and look at the results!! Planned Parenthood alone has become a TERROR in this land, spreading their toxic waste into every facet of the American life.


"Gay" Liberationists

OH, HOW AMERICA needs them!! Just like we need more lethal diseases!

Those who lobby for more rights—pedophilia/pederasty have their champions, e.g., NAMBLA, acronym for North American Man-Boy Love Association. In 1981, NAMBLA boldly declared, "Gay liberationists in general, and boy-lovers in particular, should know Kinsey's work and hold it dear…implicit in Kinsey is the struggle we fight today" ("The Case for Abolishing Age consent Laws" in Daniel Tsong (ed.), “The Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent” (1981, p. 96). Note their words, "Know Kinsey's work," the very work/report that was/is full of cheating, lying, fraud, disinformation, etc.

GET A LIFE SICKOS!! Kinsey's fraudulent report has aided police, prosecutors, judges, and of course, predators. Not only this, but the "Kinsey Cult" has spawned a newer and sicker breed of "Kinseyan" doctors, lawyers, attorneys etc. that have one common goal: TO DESTROY godliness and righteousness, that ONCE PROTECTED innocent children. Well, kiss that era good-bye, dear ones; now we have sick child molesters and other sexual subversives, who have a terrible perfidious influence in some of the highest offices in the land. America's legal system is literally infested with these odiferous perverts, who in no wise are stygiophobic (have a fear of Hell). These sick and flummoxed souls are full of chicanery, ever ready to destroy any and all innocence. These sexual psychopaths work both covertly and overtly to GET THEIR WAY!

Statutory rape is too often brushed aside (but in reality, minors cannot legally "consent" to sexual intercourse with an adult). But never mind the law, there are those in high places that get too many child molesters off the hook.

The APA dropped the sexual age of consent to 12 or 13 in 1994 (see DSM MD, 4th Edition [DSM. IV], 1994). Using Kinsey's report, the APA's fact sheet states that intense sexual urges towards children are not criminal "if urges persist, and only if the adult acts on or feels guilt or anxiety about these urges." How convenient for child molesters! Now, get this, the APA views "mild" sadism/masochism to be normal! (DSM S/M on file).

SO, DEAR READERS, OUR PSYCHIATRIC "EXPERTS" BELIEVE IN TORTURING CHILDREN—IF THE VICTIM GIVES CONSENT, even if that child is 16 years old (or older; child molestation is ok at ages 12 or 13).

Sociopolitical Revolution

IN 1990, the American Bar Association (ABA) reported 80 percent of convicted child molesters plea-bargained and served NO prison time. Of course, this thrilled the deviant/perverted legal elite; so much for law and order!! Of course, pervert Kinsey was behind all this legislation.

Dr. Judith Reisman, Ph.D. writes: "After six decades of propaganda for sociopolitical revolution, The ACLU is flying in on Kinsey's wings and adding a pedophile revolution to its repertoire by defending NAMBLA" (sexual Sabotage, 2010, p. 274). We must remember that eliminating "seduction" as a crime weakened the State's power to protect children. Thank you Alfred! Also, lowering the age of consent multiplied this initiative, freeing many more children and young people for sex—AND REDUCING (or eliminating altogether) the penalties on the WOLVES who prey on them.


Year After Year

THIS "SEX-REVOLUTION" has gone on year after year. 2012 (as I now write, Sept. 2012), Obama in power has given more rights/privileges to sex-perverts, thusly aiding pedophile advocates. Giving his consent for same-sex marriage and transgender-friendly, the pro-contumacy advances. Arguably, this sexual revolution will touch every aspect of the American life—in a very negative way! THERE SEEMS TO BE LITTLE, IF NO, OUTRAGE COMING FROM THE CHRISTIAN OR SECULAR CAMP. Why? Well, because most adults are all caught-up into some (or many) sort of sexual activity. America's criminality is at an all time HIGH, even sex-murder doesn't arouse America's conscience. Too much T.V., movies, and music.

Refusing to refute Kinsey's fraudulent reporting, America goes on in the sex-revolution.

We can all agree that America is a LUST-crazed society, erotically aroused, even good ol’ Church folks! This coarsened revolution now HATES God's Word and His ministers (if we can actually find any!).

We should not be surprised, then, that after all these years of legal support for Kinsey's insane report, SMALL CHILDREN ARE THE PRIMARY TARGETS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT. God's Word, in both Testaments, teaches self-restraint, sacrifice, protection for the weak, love for one's neighbor, etc.. “But TO HELL with all this ‘religious stuff;’ full steam into the sexual revolution; bar NOTHING!!” Even infants aren't safe—if the mothers don't MURDER the pre-born, the sex-perverts will molest the infants—if at all possible.



LET'S BE FACTUAL: Kinsey and Hooker's foremost aim was to legitimize widespread, unlimited, sexual perversions/sins (as God's Word declares) of any and all kinds. All this pro homo/homo stuff going on now—same sex marriage (HA!) is merely a front for what is to follow—if God permits. And this is not limited to the homo camp, oh no. Heterosexuals have long been in the avant-garde of sexual promiscuous behaviors. But, America views this as “normal,” not unnatural.


Kinsey's Confession

CLAIMING THAT CHILDREN are sexual from birth, Kinsey admits—and I know the sex perverts hate to hear this!—that early sexual experiences largely shape "orientation." How is it that today's sex perverts tell us this "I'm born that way!" stuff? Neither scientific findings, nor the Bible support this queer LIE!

Alfred Kinsey writes: "Patterns of heterosexuality/homosexuality represent LEARNED BEHAVIOR which depends, to a considerable degree, upon the morals of the particular culture in which the individual is raised…" (Kinsey et al, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” 1948, p. 660). He continues, "Learning and conditioning…the first experiences, the most intense experiences…effect an individual" (Kinsey, et al, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Female,” p. 643). Kinsey further writes, "In general, males are more often conditioned by their sexual experience…than females" (“Sexual Behavior in the Human Female,” p. 649).


Kinsey: Who He Was


In “Sexual Behavior in the Human Female” (p. 646), Kinsey admits, "flagellation, masochism, transvestism, and the wide variety of fetishes appear to be products of conditioning." So, is it any wonder that we have a portion of this nation "conditioned" to the un-natural/abnormal/bizarre/perverse/ unthinkable?...even murder??

More and more of the world's population are being addicted to porn, erototoxins, and erotica, even among good church folks.

No doubt Kinsey was abused early, therefore he spent his life exacting REVENGE, seeding his own pathologies in the generations…prescribing the ELIMINATION of societies moralistic classifications. Well done, Alfred!

So, Kinsey conceded that homosexuality WAS NOT GENETICALLY passed on (“Sexual Behavior in the Human Female,” pp. 632-636). Despite the frantic attempts to PROVE otherwise, homophile researchers CANNOT locate a genetic path by which reproductive homos reproduce THEIR QUEER KIND! (You ought to look up the NARTH site under "Born that way," http://www.narth.com/menus/born.html). All honest studies prove that homosexuality is a "learned behavior," despite these "fakes/snakes" calling themselves "Bible Experts." I challenge any and all, here and now, to give me ONE verse out of the Bible—ONE VERSE!—proving that God created them "that way", where God honors the sex pervert (homo/hetero), where He uses them as a positive illustration/example of good moral. Surely, you “Queer Bible Scholars” won't let me down, will you??


After The Ball

I'VE ALREADY written about homo marketers Kirk and Madsen, who authored “After The Ball” (see our Gay Way booklets). But for this article, let me quote from p. 154: "It makes no difference that ads are lies; not to us, because we're using them to an ethically good effect…" In “Defending A Higher Law” (2004, pp. 31-41), Kirk and Madsen lay out the Homosexual Movement's Tactics...and SOCIETY IS THEIR TARGET! They write about how America would conquer its fear and hatred of gays in the 1990s (their book was published in 1989). Briefly here are 3 scripts for the homo activists to use against the straights:

1—Those vehemently opposed to homosexuality: isolate and silence (this is meant for me!);

2—The undecided Middle America: desensitize, jam, and convert.

3—Those friendly to the Homosexual Movement: mobilize (pp. 175-177).

This revolutionary book, although debated, became their bedside book, like the Bible is to us (although I view/use the Bible as my ONLY war manual, for day and night).

All this effort put forth since the days of Kinsey/Hooker/Harry Hay (who founded the Mattachine Society in 1950. Hay, an early proponent of "Gay Rights"), was/is to NORMALIZE homosexuality and ACCEPT gayness. Well, as long as we have a Bible in this land, neither will completely be accomplished. Since Kirk and Madsen, there have come to the battlefield dozens of anti-straight bigots that have, and are, trying out their weapons—persuasion being one of them.


Their selling of un-natural and un-healthy sex to America may have gained some ground, but the diseases themselves thin out their ranks.


5th Column

THE WAR for the soul of America has intensified. A 5th Column of subversives, e.g., the infiltration of sympathizers/subversives who work steadily and mostly covertly to undermine a nation's solidarity by ANY MEANS (lawful/unlawful/fair/foul) at their disposal, has infiltrated deeply into the ENTIRE fabric of America—the church included. They especially covet positions of policy decision and National defense! These chicanery enemies of all that is good and honorable exploit the fears of the people by spreading mis/disinformation as well as using espionage and techniques of sabotaging. Actually, you can't hardly believe a word that is said these days to be true—lies and deceit are so normal and common, they are believed as truth. Honesty and integrity are a thing of the past. This WHOLE sick-sex stuff has been engineered by the 5th column troops—working clandestinely most of the time. Reisman calls them Kinsey-Cloned Sexual Saboteurs. THE CURRENT EMERGENT CHURCH IS ITS RELIGIOUS COUNTERPART, WHEREBY RIGHT AND WRONG ARE BEING REDEFINED AS WELL AS GOOD AND EVIL...NORMAL AND ABNORMAL (write for our publications/DVDS on the Emergent Church). While both secular and religious saboteurs do their dirty work, God is also at work—raising up His Spirit Remnant Army that will counter this odiferous filth!

Trust me, the 5th Column army is in no wise parsimonious; they GIVE themselves willingly to the WAR at hand. Unlike the modern churchite, avaricious to excess, these people aren't driven entirely by greed-for-gain, but for the sheer pleasure of destroying what is good and honorable, hence this ad hoc article to WARN any and all that if “you snooze you lose!"



WHERE HAVE ALL the Christian watchmen gone? To sleep of course! Beddie-time for these folks. God's watchmen have, as Isaiah 56:10 says, "His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, laying down, loving to slumber." If that doesn't describe today's spirit-watchmen, how about v. 11: "Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, even one for his gain, from his quarter." This describes to the tee today's church pastors and televangelists.

As the "controlled' media stimulates public opinion (in favor of Political Correctness), they also miseducate it. The media, the devil controlled media, has spread the Kinsey lies all over America. And as I write, they continue to BOMBARD this nation with mis/disinformation, breaking down every godly ethic in their power—while most Americans are deep into their wet dreams.

Diffusion and confusion of new ideas never ends. These ideas aren't just in the sex realm, but many realms, pushing, yea, shoving their "findings" onto the naïve public.


Ho Hum!

YES, I KNOW, most by now have become very bored and sleepy...sleep on sluggards. What we present is irrefutable evidence of a sick and dying nation. I must admit that it takes a lot to traumatize folks these days, seeing that the media spews out the blues/news 24/7. NOW IT HAS GONE SO FAR THAT "HATE CRIMES" HAVE BEEN INVENTED TO SILENCE ALL OPPOSITION TO THEIR HEINOUS ONSLAUGHTS. Any righteous act, especially in the name of Christ, is sensationalized and blown out of proportion, that the death penalty is called for. When we publically declared back in the 1980's, in Sacramento California, that the state government was overrun with sex-perverts, the War against us became brutal (see our PX2 files on the web).

America, Land of the Free, and Home of the Homo!

Yes, sir! America has become a sex industrial complex. Make no mistake dear ones, Kinsey was to the sexual as Rev. Billy Graham was to the religious. This commercialization and glamorization of sex has EXPLODED so much that even the most vile sex act is “respectable.” This filthy dominating force generates "BILLIONS," with a capital "B." And, both drugs and alcohol play a major role in this "Billion Dollar Industry." "Big Pharma" is there to push their pills that both stimulate and destroy. "Chemical love" brings results—broken lives and broken bodies. Any and all can, by "Viagra chemical," become their own porn star. Pharmaceutical impotence aids are now common place, but as yet, no aids for AIDS!!

Then there is the rise of absent orgy pills, orgasmation: a spinal implant that risks infection and paralysis. Women also are experimenting with the shaved, bare pudenda, and the vaginal surgery (to be "tighter"). The Bible says that a whore is a deep ditch! And for the man, there is the enlargement surgery and pills for erection. What does all this prove? THAT PEOPLE HAVE BECOME SEX-OBSESSED…AND ARE DYING WHILE LOVING IT.


Deceived and Duped

THIS PRETTY MUCH describes Americans today. Most in this backslidden nation actually believe they need sex-drugs-alcohol to function as a human being.

So, dear ones, under the guise of "false science," all kinds of sick and harmful things are done to the willing masses. America, at least a part of it, is torn between its own greed for gain, and the public welfare/well-being. But is it too late? For many, yes! For the future, NO!

Kinsey admitted that he interviewed 21,000 people, and trashed all but 4,500 which were the dregs of society for his final report. So, these people he used were sex perverts themselves; not "normal" citizens.


Sheer Propaganda

WITHIN THEIR sex-teaching-text we find the words, "Childhood sexuality," which anyone with half a brain can see the term is an oxymoron. Straight experts point out that SEX HORMONES ARE ABSENT IN CHILDREN AND THAT CHILD SEXUAL BEHAVIOR BEFORE PUBERTY IS ENTIRELY UNNATURAL. Thus, "childhood sexuality" is pure sexual propaganda. But never mind this, on with the party.


The Kinsey Institute

THIS INSTITUTE continues to support and glorify Alfred Kinsey's bogus research knowing full and well that Kinsey was not an authentic scientist. His skewered statistics are still quoted and used by many today. Yet, not all go along with his sick and slimy presentation of sexuality. The American Legislative Exchange Counsel (ALEC) states that "Kinsey's work presents evidence of illegal and criminal acts masquerading as science." The ALEC call his reporting "junk" science.

I will repeat it again, as I do in all my articles, God will only allow so much filth and crime before He brings forth His judgments. America WILL go under more severe judgments, possibly the complete overthrowing of this nation. The Bible has plenty to say about sex-sins—both homo and hetero.

America has become totally oblivious to sexual taboos. For one thing, the church has stopped preaching against them; the church has also stopped preaching about Hell too. The modern church has now, in many parts, joined in on defending homosexuality. The contemporary church has an ax to grind against God for them having missed out on all the "good times." Trust me, God will destroy this church!!

Listen up Americans: Scientific fraud is socially destructive! And no, we're not "religious crazies," "bigots," and “sexually repressed fanatics.” In fact, both my wife and myself we're original 60's hippies who knew what SEX was all about. Likewise, doing the Lord's work now, going on 42 years, having a godly marriage, we also know what God's Word teaches and expects of people. We're not a bit disturbed by name-calling, for we know who and what we are in Christ Jesus—a new creation! We do not live in a delusional world about sexuality, nor do we use distortions to explain “WHY” God no longer has an ethical standard. THESE HERETICS WHO DEFEND AND PROMOTE UNLAWFUL SEX WILL GIVE AN ACCOUNT TO GOD.

The real purpose of science is to discover facts to IMPROVE society, not DESTROY it. We need not exploit lies and half-truths in order to be praised of men.


Time For Revolution!!

IT IS TIME TO REBEL AGAINST HELL!! We won't and we don't offer any apology for our Christian beliefs. We know exactly what we preach, and why we preach it: we do it deliberately and methodically. It is time to raise Hell without fear or apology.

We encourage any and all to challenge the whole sex revolution. We also challenge all you "religious" freaks to prove, from God's Word, His pleasure in all this GLBTQ filth. We call you church rebels traitors—for deliberately destroying people’s confidence in God's eternal Word. People that make up the Emergent church are specially responsible for this promiscuous depravity. All you secular deviants and psychopaths WILL FACE GOD SOONER OR LATER. Be prepared! It is my duty as a Christian to witness for my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. This, I have done and will continue to do—prepare for it! Amen.

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